黨產研究 Journal for the Study of the Party Assets |
201803 (2期)期所有篇 |
- 黨營事業不當黨產處理之合憲性與難題:以臺南地區接收日產為例 The Constitutionality difficulty of dealing with partyowned enterprises as Ill-gotten Party Assets:The taking over Japanese Properties in Tainan region
- 1950年代黨營事業的輪廓:以松本充豐研究為中心 The Outline of the Party-Owned Enterprises in the 1950s: Focusing on Mitsutoyo Matsumoto Research
- 從《自由中國》談1950年代的救國團 A Study of ''Free China'' to Discuss the Role of China Youth Corps in 1950s
- 婦女團體抑或「附隨組織」:婦聯會與國民黨相互關係之探析 Women’s League or Subsidiary Organization: the Relationship of the National Women’s League and the Kuomingtang
- 不當黨產條例「地的效力」問題 The Issue of “Effectiveness of Land” in the “Ill-gotten Properties by Political Parties and Their Affiliate Organizations”
- 座談會2018年1月19日「從德國經驗看轉型正義」會議記錄