當代教育研究 Contemporary Educational Research |
202203 (30:1期)期所有篇 |
- 共治共學觀關乎課程變革?教師對十二年國教課綱變革意向的影響因素 Conception of Shared Decision-making and Collective Learning Matters in Curriculum Change? The Influential Factors of Teachers’Intention to Change for the 12-year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines
- 芬蘭赫爾辛基一間學校的現象為本學習個案研究 A Case Study of Phenomenon-based Learning in Finland Helsinki
- 工程創造力與破框思維之系統性初探:以一門工學院創意思維課程為例 Frame-breaking thinking and engineering creativity-A systematic investigation on an innovative thinking class in the school of engineering
- 在COVID-19疫情下自我導向學習策略和態度,對於線上學習認知疲乏、全神貫注與感知學習效果之相關性研究──以大學生為例 A Self-Directed Learning Approach and Attitudes Predict Cognitive Fatigue and Cognitive Presence during Online Learning, and Perceived Online Learning Ineffectiveness: The Case of College Students
- 周歲前睡眠節律變化與兩歲語言成長速度之關連性 Association Between Changes in Circadian Rhythm Before First Birthday and Language Development at 2 Years of Age
- 評介《知識與教育研究:一項國際的探究》 Review of“Knowledge and the study of education: An international exploration.”