教育科學研究期刊 Journal of Research in Education Sciences |
200510 (50:2期)期所有篇 |
- 司馬光的家訓內涵及其對宋代家族教育的影響 Ssu-ma Kuang’s Three Books on “Clan Education” and their Influence
- 朱利安比較教育理論與方法評析 A Critical Analysis of Marc-Antoine Jullien’s Comparative Education Methodology
- 從海德格Einspringen 與Vorausspringen 的區別論師生關係 The Teacher-Student Relationship: an Analysis via Heidegger’s Einspringen-Vorausspringen Distinction
- 理性或感性?Rorty 人權思想與其對教育的啟示 Rationality or Sentimentality? Rorty’s Conception of Human Rights and its Educational Implications
- 四向度課室目標結構、個人目標導向與課業求助行為之關係 The Relationship among a 4-Dimensional Classroom Goal Structure, Personal Goal Orientation and Academic Help-Seeking Behavior
- 在學青少年生活痛苦指標發展之研究 Development of an At-School Adolescent Everyday Misery Index
- 技職校院商管學群學生財金專業能力指標建構之研究 A Study of the Finance Students’ Professional Competencies Index Constructing at Technological and Vocational Universities, Colleges/Junior Colleges
- 國中小學校行銷指標與行銷運作之研究 School Marketing Operations Indices for Junior High and Primary Shools
- 校園音環境教育的介入研究:國小學童覺知、態度及行為之影響 A Study of “Sound Environment” Education: Elementary School Students’ Awareness, Attitude, and Behavior
- 師資生個人知識管理及其對專業學習與發展影響之研究 Teachers College Students’ Personal Knowledge Management and it’s Impact on Professional Learning and Development
- 台灣地區大學校院「學生評鑑教師教學」制度之研究 College and University Student Ratings Systems in Taiwan
- 臺灣地區公立大學體育館營運績效評估之實證研究 A Study of Operation Performance Evaluation for Public University Stadia in Taiwan