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Development of an At-School Adolescent Everyday Misery Index
作者 黃芳銘楊金寶許福生
本研究主要是透過一系列嚴謹的分析程序來建立一份具有信效度的在學青少年生活痛苦指數量表。蒐集全國在學青少年共1494 份有效問卷,將其以SPSS10.0 軟體隨機區分為三組樣本,每組各498 份。第一組樣本以探測性因素分析來獲得因素成份,結果顯示此份量表有五個因素,分別命名為「學校環境因素」、「家庭影響因素」、「社會情境因素」、「未來發展因素」,以及「政府作為因素」。接著將其建構成在學青少年生活痛苦指數的一系列競爭模式,以第二組樣本來做驗證性因素分析的評鑑,結果顯示五因素斜交模式是最為簡效的模式,對此一模式做內在結構適配評鑑也顯示觀察變項與潛在變項皆具有良好的信度、聚合效度,以及區別效度。第三組樣本則是作為複核效化的評鑑,結果顯示五因素斜交模式具有穩定性以及預測力。
The purpose of this study was to develop, using a series of analytic procedures, a reliable and valid scale for measuring adolescents’ perception of “everyday misery” at school. 1494 valid questionnaires were collected from the Taiwan area. The samples were divided into three sets by an SPSS10.0 random procedure. The first sample set was used to generate the factors through exploratory factor analysis: this resulted in a scale of five factors: the “school environment factor,” “family influence factor,” “social situation factor,” “future development factor,” and “government-generated factor.” Then a series of competing models was established and evaluated by the second sample set using confirmatory factor analysis procedure. The five-factor oblique model was found to be the most efficient one. The internal-component evaluation found that latent variables have good reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity. The cross-validation was tested by the third sample set for the model. The model’s stability and predictive power were confirmed.
起訖頁 97-119
關鍵詞 生活痛苦指數複核效化競爭模式驗證性因素分析Everyday Misery indexcross-validationcompeting modelsconfirmatory factor analysis
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 200510 (50:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 四向度課室目標結構、個人目標導向與課業求助行為之關係
該期刊-下一篇 技職校院商管學群學生財金專業能力指標建構之研究




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