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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
A Study of the Finance Students’ Professional Competencies Index Constructing at Technological and Vocational Universities, Colleges/Junior Colleges |
作者 |
陳信憲、陳美華 |
中文摘要 |
本研究主要目的在於探討如何建構技職教育學生之財金專業能力指標,藉此以作為規劃二十一世紀台灣地區技職教育商業與管理學群財務金融科系發展之新方向。研究方法包括專家個別深度訪談、修正式德非法及問卷調查法三個階段。研究對象分為國內金融服務業之總經理為業界代表及國內技職院校財金科系之專任教師為學界代表。研究結果顯示,受業界視為最重要之能力指標為「專業道德層面之表現能力」,最不重要能力指標則為「選擇性投資分析能力」及「數量方法等相關概念和計算能力」。進ㄧ步比較學業界看法之差異結果指出,對於「專業道德層面之表現能力」構面之重視程度業界顯著高於學界,而對於「數量方法等相關概念和計算能力」之重視程度學界顯著高於業界。因此,若以符合實務需求為學校課程之調整導向,本研究建議學校應規劃可增強學生「專業道德層面之表現能力」之相關課程及考量是否降低部分「數量方法等相關概念和計算能力」課程之比例。 |
英文摘要 |
The purpose of this study was to construct a professional finance competencies index for students at technological and vocational universities, colleges and junior colleges in Taiwan. There were several research methods used in this study: in-depth interviews, the Delphi method and a questionnaire. The questionnaire was sent to general managers in the financial industry and full-time professors in technological and vocational universities, colleges and junior colleges in Taiwan. It was found that general managers felt “professional ethical ability” was the most important factor; the most important factors for professors were “professional ethical ability,” “security analysis ability,” and “economics-related knowledge and ability.” There was a significant difference between general managers and professors with regard to the “professional ethical ability” and “mathematics and calculation ability” factors: general managers gave “professional ethical ability” a higher value, while professors paid more attention to “mathematics and calculation ability.” Thus the study suggested that technological-vocational universities, colleges and junior colleges, in order to better prepare their students for careers in finance, have to increase the number of courses related to “ethical and professional ability,” and correspondingly reduce the number of courses primarily concerned with “mathematics and calculation” course hours. |
起訖頁 |
121-138 |
關鍵詞 |
能力指標、能力指標之建構、財金專業能力指標、道德教育、competencies index construction、professional finance competencies index、ethical education、ethical and professional ability、mathematics and calculation ability |
刊名 |
教育科學研究期刊 |
期數 |
200510 (50:2期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
在學青少年生活痛苦指標發展之研究 |
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國中小學校行銷指標與行銷運作之研究 |