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Ssu-ma Kuang’s Three Books on “Clan Education” and their Influence
作者 周愚文 (Yu-Wen Chou)
Beginning from the Sung Dynasty, a new clan system was gradually established in China. This provided another way of educating both the gentry and commoners, an educational system separate from the state schools and academies.Ssu-ma Kuang, an important statesman and historian in the Northern Sung, played an important role in the construction of a new tradition of clan education. He edited three books about clan education: Book of Etiquette and Ceremonies (Shu-I), Manners and Customs for Daily Life (Chu-Chia-Tsa-I) and Family Model (Chia-Fan). Those books not only taught the gentry and peasant families how to behave themselves politely, but also transmitted Kuang’s idea of “governing the state through propriety (Li)” and “managing the clan(s) through decorum,” where Li-decorum (or Li-propriety) is of course a crucial principle from classical Confucianism. Although these books had no direct and immediate influence on the people’s daily life at that time, they did have a great influence on Master Chu-His’s Neo-Confucianism and on people’s thinking and behavior in later times
起訖頁 1-12
關鍵詞 司馬光家族教育家範Ssu-ma Kuangclan educationfamily instructionLi-decorumNeo-Confucianism
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 200510 (50:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-下一篇 朱利安比較教育理論與方法評析




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