臺北大學中文學報 Journal of Chinese Literature of National Taipei University |
202009 (28期)期所有篇 |
- 冷戰‧離散‧文人:《今日世界》中的張愛玲 A Diasporic Writer in the Cold War Era: The Representations of Eileen Chang in the World Today Journal
- 膠林之外:論冰谷的散文 Beyond the Rubber Plantation: On Bing Gu's Prose Writings
- 為「活著」的世界──「末世」網路小說論 The World only for Living--On the ''Apocalypse'' Network Novels
- 界與遊──中國網路玄幻小說空間敘事之承繼與新變芻論 Demarcation and Travel -- A Study of the Evoiution for Spatial narratinive to the Chinese Fantasy novel On the Web
- 《盜墓筆記》:黃昏世界的絕唱 Daomu Biji: The Swan Song of Twilight Zone
- 修仙、小說與不朽:作為「擬宏大敘事」的修仙小說 Cultivation, Fiction And Immortality: The Immortal Novel as“Pseudo-Meta Narrative''
- 昆侖與蜀山──修仙小說中的道門想像 Kunlun and Shushan: A Daoist Monastery Imagination in Immortal Fiction
- 魏晉南北朝園林理論探析 An Analysis of Garden Theory in Wei-Jin-Southern and Northern Dynasties
- 花卉的追憶辭格:戴望舒詩歌中的植本與文本生成 Trope of Floral Remembrance Intersemination of Herbarium and Verbarium in Dai Wangshu's Poetry
- 論1943至1949年上海文學場域中報刊對張愛玲及其作品的想像和形塑 Examination of How Newspapers in the Shanghai Literary Fields (1943-1949) Imagined and Shaped Eileen Chang and Her Works
- 「後九七香港青年作家」小說中的城市與自然 “Nature Relatedness”in Fiction of“Post-1997 Hong Kong Young Writers”
- 「逸樂」詩學下的詩史書寫──論柏樺《史記:晚清至民國》、《史記:1950──1976》 History-poetry Narrative in the Perspective of ''Dissolute Pleasure'' Aesthetics: A discussion on Bai Hua's poetry collections: Shiji: from late Qing to the ROC and Shiji: 1950-1976
- 胡金銓韓國取景古裝片的跨國地理想像 Transnational Geographic Imagination of King Hu's Costume Films at Location of South Korea