漢學研究集刊 Yuntech Journal of Chinese Studies |
202406 (38期)期所有篇 |
- 英語中國文學史的杜甫論述與盛唐詩的概念 “Du Fu in the English Histories of Chinese Literature and the Concept of Poetry of High Tang.”
- 科舉思想的傳承與教育轉型的衝擊──以清代江陰金氏家族為例 The inheritance of imperial examination ideas and the impact of educational transformation──based on the example of the Jin family in Jiangyin during the Qing Dynasty
- 由「熏」入道──梁啟超〈論小說與群治之關係〉中的佛教唯識思想底蘊 From“Edify”to the Dao──The Buddhist Yogācāra Foundations of Liang Qichao's ''On the Relationship Between the Novel and Good Governance''
- 「時無英雄」與「時無英才」──論阮籍「廣武之嘆」的多元詮釋 “None of Heroes Exist in the Time”and“None of Geniuses Exist in the Time”─An Essay on the Varied Interpretations of Ruan-ji’s Lamentation of Guang-wu
- 任昉《述異記》引兩漢魏晉詩文為注之體例的時代特質與意涵 Era Characteristics and Implications of Writing Style that Quoted Poems from Han and Wei Jin Dynasties as Connotation in Ren Fang's ''Shu Yi Ji''