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From“Edify”to the Dao──The Buddhist Yogācāra Foundations of Liang Qichao's ''On the Relationship Between the Novel and Good Governance''
作者 謝昀儒
Liang Qichao's ''On the Relationship Between the Novel and Good Governance'' has long been regarded as the starting point of his ''novelistic revolution,'' with its main purpose stemming from the need for ''saving the country and preserving the people,'' using the novel to achieve social reform. Therefore, previous scholarly discussions of this work have focused mainly on its literary qualities and political intentions. However, a closer examination of Liang's writings reveals that his discussion of the functional role of the novel is theoretically inspired by the Buddhist Yogacara philosophy. The reason he chose to use Buddhist teachings to achieve '' exert oneself to govern the country with precision '' is also influenced by his close relationship with his teachers and friends during the Buddhist revival movement of the time. Therefore, this paper first examines the historical context to elucidate Liang Qichao's adoption of Buddhist knowledge, and then combines the Buddhist Yogacara philosophy with ''On the Relationship Between the Novel and Good Governance'' to analyze the theoretical basis that supports Liang Qichao's discourse on the functional role of the novel.
起訖頁 67-105
關鍵詞 梁啟超佛教唯識宗小說Liang QichaoBuddhismYogācāraNovel
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 202406 (38期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 科舉思想的傳承與教育轉型的衝擊──以清代江陰金氏家族為例
該期刊-下一篇 「時無英雄」與「時無英才」──論阮籍「廣武之嘆」的多元詮釋




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