宋代紫姑的女仙化及才女化 The Changes of the Images of 'Zi-gu' in the Song Dynasty
西方傳教士之漢語言觀──以一本十七世紀閩語語法為例 The Chinese language through the eyes of Western missionaries: A Hokkien grammar of the 17th century
論俞樾《春秋》學的思想旨趣 On the Thought and Significance of Yu Yue's Study of the Spring and Autumn Annals
台灣客家童謠及其文化意涵之研究 A Study on the Taiwan Hakka Child Rhymes and it's Cultural Meaning
李昂小說《殺夫》中的倫理與人性關懷──以柏納德.威廉斯的「道德運氣」為核心的詮釋 Li Ang's The Butcher's Wife And Its Ethical and Humanism Concerns.─a interpretation based on Bernard Williams' 'moral Luck'
劉向《列女傳》與《詩經》的對應關係研究 Study of Liu-xiang Biography of Women in Ancient China and Book of Songs corresponding relationships