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Study of Liu-xiang Biography of Women in Ancient China and Book of Songs corresponding relationships
作者 林葉連
Liu Xiang is a typical member of the royal family. He has written a book on the story of women, known as 'Biography of Women in Ancient China.' In the book, the majority of descriptions are of high moral character, can be a model for the people, and the superb talents of women, a small number of records in some chapters are the story of the evil women. Liu Xiang's intent is to 'Biography of Women in Ancient China ' as 'advice book' and let the emperor know that character and behavior of women, for families, customs, and even country and so on are likely to have any significant impact. In the Han dynasty, Liu Xiang studied 'Lu poem', and Hejian Xian Wang normal reading of 'The Book of Songs' is the 'Mao poem ', the two are quite different. Since only the 'Mao' spread to modern, so, if we are to understand the ancient 'Lu poem' doctrine, Liu Xiang's ' Biography of Women in Ancient China ' is undoubtedly one of the most valuable information. Through the 'Biography of Women in Ancient China ', we can make the following observation of Liu Xiang: 1, what criteria he used to assess the ancient female? 2, he cited a large number of ancient poems, as well as the interpretation of many verses from here should be able to tell him how to appreciate the Zhou dynasty poem. 3, let us know, 'The Book of Songs' for the theory of Liu Xiang had a great influence. On 'Mao poem' and 'Lu poem', their theory have similarities and differences between each other, this paper, try to compare them, except try to correct 'Mao poem's' faults, If the 'Mao' has the ideas of the book unique and of the right, this thesis will also be sure and praise them. Through this thesis research, we can see Liu Xiang's academic ideas and 'The Book of Songs' has a close relationship, and we know that he has enormous contributions to the status and can not be overlooked. And was informed that: 'Lu poetry' and 'Mao poetry' have their own advantages and disadvantages.
起訖頁 1-41
關鍵詞 劉向列女傳魯詩今文經Liu XiangBiography of Women in Ancient ChinaLu poetryNew Text
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 200812 (7期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 李昂小說《殺夫》中的倫理與人性關懷──以柏納德.威廉斯的「道德運氣」為核心的詮釋




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