202204 (25期)期所有篇 |
- 臺北市住宅竊盜犯罪群聚及區位因素之研究 A Study of the Clustering and Ecological Factors of Burglary in Taipei City
- 運動習慣對大學生問題行為影響之研究 A Study on the Effects of Exercise Habits on Problem Behavior among College Students
- 以阿德勒觀點探究少年矯正學校收容少年之生活經驗 A Study of the Influence of Life Experiences of Juvenile Correctional School Students: Adlerian Perspectives
- 犯罪所得之第三人沒收程序 Third Persons Confiscation Procedure Concerning Illegal Proceeds
- 社會關懷與霸凌旁觀經驗對親社會旁觀者因應行為影響之研究 Influences of Social Concern and Bullying Bystanders' Experiences on Prosocial Bystanders' Behaviors
- 性侵害犯罪中PTSD鑑定報告的風險與功能 The Risk and Function of PTSD Evidence in Sexual Assault
- 法人刑事責任――以奧地利法為比較 Research on Corporate Criminal Liability: A Comparative Legal Study between Austria and Taiwan
- 食之無味,棄之可惜?──論公然侮辱罪之解釋困境與將來展望 A Study on the Interpretation Dilemma and Future Prospect of Offense of Public Insult
- 無差別殺人犯罪之敘說研究──以一位無差別殺人犯罪者為例 The narrative study of the indiscriminate killing: A case study of an indiscriminate offender
- 兒少受害及性侵害經驗與青少年暴力行為關係研究 A Study on the Relationship between Childhood Victimization and Sexual Assault Experience and Youth Violent Behavior
- 論影響力交易罪之立法必要性──兼評刑法第134條之1立法草案 A Study of The Necessity of Legislation for Trading in Influence: A Comment on Article 134-1 of The Draft of Criminal Law
- 重構刑法第57條的量刑架構――從量刑目的與行為人圖像出發 Reconstructing the Framework for Article 57 of the Criminal Code : By the Sentencing Purposes and the Image of Offender