白沙歷史地理學報 Baisha Journal of GeoHistory |
200904 (7期)期所有篇 |
- 唐宋之際北部灣沿海交通發展 The Coastal Traffic of the Beibu Bay during the Tang-Song Periods
- 唐代洱河蘭滄地區羈縻州交通與地望研究… The Study about the Jimi Zhou’s Traffic and Location of Erhe-Lancang Region in the Tang Dynasty
- 唐代安史之亂至德宗時期的通濟渠--以汴宋節度使轄區為範圍 The T’ung-chi Channel During An-Shi Rebellion and De-Tzung Period:Pien-sung Regional Leaders Focused
- 試論唐代廣州在中西交通史上的地位 The Position of Guangzhou in the Sino-West Transportation History in the Tang Dynasty
- 遼代晉北地區佛教的傳播與影響--以朔州新見經幢為中心的考察 The spread and impact of Buddhism in northern Shanxi in Liao Dynasty—A study with focus on the newly discovered Sutra Pillar in Shuo State
- 海峽兩岸地方史志交流的成果--評介郭鳳岐主編《海峽兩岸地方史志比較研究文集》 The Exchange Achievement of Local Chronicle Writing Style in Taiwan and China: Commentary and Introduction that Editor by Kuo Fong-chy “The Comparative study of local chronicle writing style in Taiwan and China ”
- 白沙口述歷史:陳倬民老師 Baisha Oral History: Prof. Chen, Zhuo-min
- 白沙口述歷史:彭國樑老師 Baisha Oral History: Prof. Peng, Guo-liang
- 白沙口述歷史:周國屏老師 Baisha Oral History: Prof. Zhou, Guo-ping