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Content Analysis of Theses on Life Education Research in Junior High School Students in Taiwan
作者 張鈞淇蔡文榮
本研究旨在探討目前臺灣在以國中生為對象之生命教育的研究現況、發展 趨勢及對生命教育研究的啟示,本研究係以內容分析法進行,共分析2000年至 2017年之臺灣學位論文共120篇,從研究主題、論文數量和研究方法等角度切 入,探討近年來臺灣以國中生為對象之生命教育的多種面向,以作為未來從事 相關研究之借鏡。研究結果如下: 一、 研究數量方面,2008年以後,維持每一年5篇以上,可以保守估計這一種 持平的趨勢將繼續維持下去,且研究數量與政策的推動有相關性。 二、 研究集中在北部與南部,而中部與東部較少,且研究數量較多的學校中, 生命教育的相關研究大部分是由特定幾位教授所指導的。 三、 研究主題中教學類的研究居多,而學生的生命態度認知調查研究佔第二多 數,教學類與認知類的主題幾乎每年都有穩定占比,而教材類的研究近2 年所占比例大幅提升。 四、 生命教育融入人文與社會領域的研究佔最多數,而融入數理領域的研究偏 低。生命教育融入課程之研究佔最大百分比乃是藝術與人文領域課程,這 是因為該領域通常不需紙筆測驗,也不納入升學考試之範圍。 五、 實驗研究法基本上屬於單班前後測或兩班的〖考驗(〖-test),而問卷調查法 之篇數為最高,這或許是因為在職教師的研究生可以就近在所服務的學校 全面實施所致。 六、 生命教育之認知與生命態度之改變,通常無法在短期之內達到顯著差異, 因此建議生命教育之研究期程定在8週以上,較能看出實施成效。
The study aims to investigate theses of life education of junior high schools by using content analysis so as to know its current state and trend. The study covers those theses from 2000 to 2017 with a total of 120 master’s theses focusing on junior high school students. The themes of the analysis cover basic data, research subjects, methodology, and outcomes from the selected theses. The research findings are as follows: 1. Amount: After 2008, there were at least 5 theses a year. It is conservatively estimated such an increasing trend will continue with the support of governmental policies. 2. Distribution: The majority of theses were conducted in some of northern and southern universities in Taiwan, especially directed by some specific professors. 3. Theme: Teaching-related theses were rank the top one, while those investigation-related theses on perception of life education the second. These two categories have steady percentage each year, while content-related theses are increasing dramatically in last two years. 4. Discipline: The theses integrated with humanity and social science areas have the highest percentage, while those with science and math areas have lower percentage. The reason why art and humanity theses outnumbered was because of paper-and-pencil assessment free and was excluded from entrance exam. 5. Methodology: The majority of experimental studies applied /-test in their either dependent-sample or independent-sample studies. Investigation-typed theses outnumbered others possibly due to high feasibility. 6. Duration of study: The perception of life education and the change of life attitude could not reach statistically significant difference within a short period of time. It is highly suggested that the duration of study can be extended to at least 8 weeks so as to have a better expectation.
起訖頁 079-108
關鍵詞 生命教育國中生內容分析法學位論文life educationjunior high school studentcontent analysis
刊名 教育科學期刊  
期數 201712 (16:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學師資培育中心
該期刊-上一篇 從「解構主義」探究教師於十二年國教培育學生「符號運用與溝通表 達」核心素養過程所應具之基本素養
該期刊-下一篇 「跨越生涯荊棘高原」一一位國小教師的生命史




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