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從「解構主義」探究教師於十二年國教培育學生「符號運用與溝通表 達」核心素養過程所應具之基本素養
A Deconstructive Inquiry into the Essential Accomplishment Required for Teachers: The Teaching of the Core Accomplishment of “Symbol Use and Communicative Expression” for Students in Grades One to Twelve
作者 姜得勝
當前我國十二年國教正如火如荼地展開,其中,「符號運用與溝通表達」素 養,適為該教育過程所冀期培育學生應具備九大核心素養之一;而教師擔負培 育學生核心素養之重責大任,期待培育學生具有該素養,教師本身相關本職學 養之優劣,與該政策推動之成敗攸關密切;尤其,與「符號運用」關係密切的 「解構主義」,其主張人類在符號運用與溝通表達過程中,符號的意涵往往可做 無限的延伸與解讀,引發人類社會許多複雜問題,深值進一步探究與驗證。 鑑此,作者除符應研究主題,探索「解構主義」的核心意涵與實例以相互 驗證,發現該理論與社會實況具有高度相符應性外;且略窺「符號運用與溝通 表達」過程,常見許多負面現象;同時,進而提出教師於培育學生該素養時, 教師應具備了解符號本質與其功能、明確運用符號、體悟多元文化以及具備溝 通本職學能等基本素養,實為該政策推動成功與否之關鍵;最後,作者也根據 研究流程與結論,對家庭、學校、社會、政府與後續研究等層面,提出一些合 理性建議,以做為臺灣推動十二年國教之參考。
The policy of twelve-year fundamental education has been in full swing these days. The accomplishment of symbol use and communicative expression, one of the nine core accomplishments, is what the student are expected to foster throughout the education process. The success or failure in implementing the above policy, and the cultivating of such accomplishment for students as well, is a matter closely tied to job-related expertise that teachers maintain. In this regard, Deconstruction, a philosophical theory that is closely related to symbol use, is particularly worthy of further examination and verification. The theory claims that throughout the course of symbol use and communicative expression, people may achieve an infinite array of extension or interpretation of symbolic senses and in turn initiate numerous complex problems for human societies. In accordance, the currently paper explored the core senses of Deconstruction and contrasted them against practical examples. The author observed a high degree of correspondence between Deconstruction and the actual social cases and many deviations throughout the process of symbol use and communicative expression. Meanwhile, he further proposed the basic accomplishments that teachers ought to maintain to cultivate in students the accomplishment of symbol use and communicative expression. Those accomplishments include an understanding of the essence of the symbol, knowledge about the function of the symbol and a precise use of symbols, and insights into multiculturalism and communicative process. These qualifications are the key to the success or failure in educational policy implementation. Finally, the author proposes several suggestions based on the research outcomes and are related to the domains of family, school, society, government, and research. It is hoped that the paper could provide references for the implementation of twelve-year fundamental education in Taiwan.
起訖頁 053-078
關鍵詞 十二年國教符號溝通核心素養解構主義twelve-year fundamental educationsymbolcommunicationcore accomplishmentDeconstruction
刊名 教育科學期刊  
期數 201712 (16:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學師資培育中心
該期刊-上一篇 教師專業學習社群研究之後設分析:教師與學校背景變項效應之探討
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣以國中生為對象之生命教育學位論文之評析




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