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A Meta - Analysis on the Studies of Teacher Professional Learning Community: The Effects of Teacher and School Background Variables
作者 林妤蓁吳勁甫 (Jin-Fu Wu)
本研究旨在整合國內教師專業學習社群之實徵研究結果,主要聚焦於探究不 同教師與學校背景變項於教師專業學習社群之差異。研究中係採用後設分析之方 法,以Comprehensive Meta-analysis 3.0版軟體進行統計分析。本研究之實徵調查 研究資料蒐集至2017年3月止,總計有102篇研究納入分析,經分析後所獲致之 結論為: 一、 男性教師於教師專業學習社群部分層面高於女性教師。 二、 年齡為四十歲以上之教師在教師專業學習社群部份層面高於四十歲以下 之教師。 三、 教育年資為十年以下及十年以上之教師在教師專業學習社群所有層面皆 無顯著差異。 四、 教育程度為研究所以上之教師在教師專業學習社群部份層面高於大學專 科以下之教師。 五、 兼任行政工作之教師在教師專業學習社群部份層面高於未兼任行政之教 師。 六、 學校規模在十二班以下之教師於教師專業學習社群部份層面高於在十三 班以上之教師。 七、 學校歷史在三十年以上之教師於教師專業學習社群部份層面高於在三十 年以下之教師。 本研究依據研究結果提出相關建議,提供給教育人員、學校行政單位與未來 研究者等作為參考。
This research aims to incorporate the results from empirical studies of teacher professional learning community in Taiwan and investigate the diversity of different personal background on teacher professional learning community. This research adopted the meta - analysis method and used Comprehensive Meta-analysis 3.0 as a platform to analyze the relative studies in Taiwan. The data collection was done up to March 2017 and totally 102 studies were included. The results revealed as follows: 1. In some levels of teacher professional learning community, male teachers perform better than female teachers. 2. In some levels of teacher professional learning community, teachers over 40 years old perform better than those under 40 years old. 3. In all levels of teacher professional learning community, there is no difference between teachers with more than 10 years of teaching experience and those with less than 10 years. 4. In some levels of teacher professional learning community, teachers with master degree school or above perform better than those bachelor or specialist degree. 5. In some levels of teacher professional learning community, teachers with administrative duties perform better than those without. 6. In some levels of teacher professional learning community, teachers with school sizes which below 12 classes perform better than those over 13. 7. In some levels of teacher professional learning community, teachers with school history which over 30 years perform better those below 30. Based on the results of this study, the researcher made several suggestions for educational administration, educators and future researchers.
起訖頁 027-052
關鍵詞 教師專業學習社群後設分析教師背景變項學校背景變項teacher professional learning communitymeta - analysisteacher background variablesschool background variables
刊名 教育科學期刊  
期數 201712 (16:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學師資培育中心
該期刊-上一篇 陸生在臺學習經驗與未來規劃質性研究
該期刊-下一篇 從「解構主義」探究教師於十二年國教培育學生「符號運用與溝通表 達」核心素養過程所應具之基本素養




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