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Go Crossing a Difficult Plateau: the Life History of an Elementary School Teacher
作者 黃安俐
擔任教職近二十年,目前已屆不惑之年時,一切看似穩定發展,另一面卻隱 藏了對生命的諸多疑惑,尤其是面臨工作上的困頓,未來我將如何發展下去,讓 生活能夠再次充滿衝勁、讓自己生命更具價值感? 本研究透過自我敘說的方式,不斷的回顧探索自我生命中所歷經的點點滴滴, 並與指導老師相互討論激盪,尋找這四十年來建構現在的「自己」成為人師的蛛 絲馬跡。在自我生命史的蒐集、分析與詮釋中,更了解心中的理想教師圖像,進 而找到教師專業認同的未來方向,並學習「樂天知命」,深刻了解天命的道理。 重述生命故事後,研究者發現:一、原生家庭對其子女為人處事重大而微妙 的影響,能更深切體悟親情的力量;二、進入教職生涯停滯高原期時,要自我省 思,找回初衷,重新啟發對教職的熱情,並再次確立對教師專業角色的認同;三、 師資培育職前教育課程內容,應於教師進入教職前,修習教職生涯發展相關課程, 以理解並學習處理面臨之處境。四、自我修煉,勇於面對困境。 本研究期待即將進入教職,或在教職生涯中陷入困頓的教師們,能藉由自我 生命史的探究,從生命的脈絡發現人生的意義,認同從事教職工作的專業角色, 並掌握自我的發展,最終能自信從容面對未知的將來。
Being a teacher about twenty years, the narrator is forty now and should have been no suffering from perplexities. It seemed that everything was making steady progress. In fact, the uncertainty of life confused the narrator. The narrator was facing a dilemma in her job. For this reason the narrator began to think: How to keep holding on her way in the future? How to get her vitality back? And how to increase the perceived value in her life? Through self-narrative, the narrator keep reviewing everything which the narrator experienced. At the same time, the adviser and the narrator discuss about how to construct what the narrator is. In analysis and interpretation of data collected, the narrator understand what kind of teacher the narrator truly want to be. In this study, the narrator find teachers commitment. From the results of this study which are shown as follows: 1. Protosomatic family influences the children’s characteristic. We should learn to take the rough with the smooth in our family. 2. In career plateau, we should introspect ourselves and find our original purpose again. Then resurgent your passion for teaching, and recognize the professional role of teachers again. 3. Teacher training courses should offer teachers more completely. And teachers must learn how to deal with the difficulties in teaching. 4. You can do self - cultivation of the mind and morality lesson in your daily life. Then we can face the difficulties head-on. Basing on the conclusions, the narrator hope the suggestions for being a teacher or teachers who have their back to the wall in their career plateau, could provide them ways to realize the context of life and master their own future. And they could recognize the professional role of teachers . At last, they can face to the unknown calmly.
起訖頁 109-140
關鍵詞 專業角色認同原生家庭理想教師圖像family of originideal teacher image
刊名 教育科學期刊  
期數 201712 (16:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學師資培育中心
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣以國中生為對象之生命教育學位論文之評析
該期刊-下一篇 大學教師教學專業發展之問題與因應策略




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