勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊 Journal of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health |
201806 (26:2期)期所有篇 |
- 生產現場避免捲胴機械危害之探討 Investigation in Avoiding Hazard for Production Field of Reel-Reel Machinery
- 瓶裝啤酒包裝製程之工作安全分析 The Application of Job Safety Analysis (JSA) on Bottled Beer Packaging Processes
- 以ALOHA及WISER探討氯乙烯槽車之危害範圍 Investigate the Hazardous Range of Vinyl Chloride Tankers with ALOHA and WISER
- 大學生職業安全衛生知識介入成效評估 Occupational Health and Safety Knowledge Improvement after an Intervention among Undergraduates
- 職業安全衛生管理系統之管理績效持續改善探討 The Study of Continual Improvement on Managerial Performance of Occupational Safety and Health Management System
- 金屬製品製造業作業環境粉塵分佈特性之研究 The Characteristics of Aerosols Distribution in Metal Products Manufacturing Operating Environments