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The Study of Continual Improvement on Managerial Performance of Occupational Safety and Health Management System
作者 鄭世岳林國評劉玉文蕭景祥劉育榕
藉由過去研究安全衛生績效指標的文獻回顧及運用TOSHMS(Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Management System)、OHSAS 18001(Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series 18001)、CNS 15506管理系統之管理機制與配合職業安全衛生法之規定,共整理出28項安全衛生績效構面,進而發展出主動式安全衛生績效現況評估問卷架構,並以專業人員為對象。利用科學的方法──歸納圖法(Kawakita Jiro,KJ)、德菲法(Delphi)建構出主動式安全衛生關鍵績效指標(Key Performance Index,KPI),藉以開發出評估安全績效現況之問卷,以員工為受測對象進而深入探討主動式安全衛生績效指標之落後與領先指標現況。研究發現個案企業中有六項主動式安全衛生績效指標:緊急應變、變更管理、採購管理、溝通、預防管理、安全行為等不夠落實而須要改善。例如:「緊急應變」最需強化與鄰近居民溝通,其次為考量區域性協防,再者考量產能關係,最後為建立正確撤離逃生路線。研究結果發現個案企業資源有效分配應落在:1.在國中教育程度與年資1-10年的受測者中對於變更管理需加強教育訓練。2.在一般事務人員中應於諮詢與宣導方面加強溝通。3.緊急應變、採購管理、變更管理、溝通、預防管理、安全行為等六項主動式安全衛生績效指標之間有顯著相關,且性別的不同應於績效的構面整體加強宣導與教育訓練。從主動式安全衛生績效指標監測與管理的有效性,釐清關鍵性績效指標,發現落後指標回饋單位並正確評估執行,強化安全衛生管理的效率及效能,再藉由管理系統的持續改善(Plan-Do-Check-Action,PDCA)管理機制,並在資源有效分配之情況下持續改善,強化安全衛生KPI才能達成零職災並建立安全文化的職場。 Based on the literature review of safety and health performance indicators in the past and the management mechanism of TOSHMS(Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Management System), OHSAS 18001(Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series 18001) and CNS 15506 management system and the provisions of occupational safety and health law, 28 safety and health performance facets were compiled and the active Safety and health performance assessment questionnaire structure, and to professionals for the object. (Key Performance Index, KPI) is constructed by using scientific methods (Kawakita Jiro, KJ) and Delphi (Delphi) to develop a questionnaire to evaluate the current situation of safety performance. As the object of measurement and then in-depth discussion of active safety and health performance indicators of the backward and leading indicators of the status quo. The study found that there were six active safety and health performance indicators in case enterprises: emergency response, change management, procurement management, communication, prevention management, security behavior and so on. For example, 'emergency response' is most needed to strengthen communication with neighboring residents, followed by regional coordination, and consideration of capacity relations, and finally to establish a correct evacuation route. The results of the study found that the effective allocation of resources in case enterprises should fall: 1. education in the country and the annual 1-10 years of subjects in the change management need to strengthen education and training. 2. In the General Service staff should be in the consultation and advocacy to strengthen communication. 3. There are significant correlations between six active safety and health performance indicators, such as emergency response, procurement management, change management, communication, prevention management and safety behavior, and the difference of gender should be improved training. From the active safety and health performance indicators to monitor and manage the effectiveness of clarify the key performance indicators, found that backward indicators of feedback units and the correct assessment of the implementation of enhanced safety and health management efficiency and effectiveness, and then by the management system of continuous improvement (Plan- DoCheck-Action (PDCA) management mechanism, and in the case of effective allocation of resources to continue to improve, strengthen the safety and health KPI to achieve zero disaster and the establishment of safe cultural workplace.
Based on the literature review of safety and health performance indicators in the past and the management mechanism of TOSHMS(Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Management System), OHSAS 18001(Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series 18001) and CNS 15506 management system and the provisions of occupational safety and health law, 28 safety and health performance facets were compiled and the active Safety and health performance assessment questionnaire structure, and to professionals for the object. (Key Performance Index, KPI) is constructed by using scientific methods (Kawakita Jiro, KJ) and Delphi (Delphi) to develop a questionnaire to evaluate the current situation of safety performance. As the object of measurement and then in-depth discussion of active safety and health performance indicators of the backward and leading indicators of the status quo. The study found that there were six active safety and health performance indicators in case enterprises: emergency response, change management, procurement management, communication, prevention management, security behavior and so on. For example, 'emergency response' is most needed to strengthen communication with neighboring residents, followed by regional coordination, and consideration of capacity relations, and finally to establish a correct evacuation route. The results of the study found that the effective allocation of resources in case enterprises should fall: 1. education in the country and the annual 1-10 years of subjects in the change management need to strengthen education and training. 2. In the General Service staff should be in the consultation and advocacy to strengthen communication. 3. There are significant correlations between six active safety and health performance indicators, such as emergency response, procurement management, change management, communication, prevention management and safety behavior, and the difference of gender should be improved training. From the active safety and health performance indicators to monitor and manage the effectiveness of clarify the key performance indicators, found that backward indicators of feedback units and the correct assessment of the implementation of enhanced safety and health management efficiency and effectiveness, and then by the management system of continuous improvement (Plan- DoCheck-Action (PDCA) management mechanism, and in the case of effective allocation of resources to continue to improve, strengthen the safety and health KPI to achieve zero disaster and the establishment of safe cultural workplace.
起訖頁 114-127
關鍵詞 關鍵績效指標(KPI)德菲法KJ法TOSHMSOHSAS 18001Key Performance Indicator (KPI)DelphiTOSHMSOHSAS 18001
刊名 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 201806 (26:2期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 大學生職業安全衛生知識介入成效評估
該期刊-下一篇 金屬製品製造業作業環境粉塵分佈特性之研究




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