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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
The Characteristics of Aerosols Distribution in Metal Products Manufacturing Operating Environments |
作者 |
楊心豪、黃筱茜、張富貴、劉暐廷、洪粕宸 |
中文摘要 |
本研究主要針對金屬製品製造業作業環境進行空氣中粉塵與重金屬之調查,包括現場環境因素特性、粉塵濃度及重金屬成分分析等,本研究選取5家金屬製品製造業作業場所進行實地採樣分析,利用個人採樣器搭配總粉塵(CLA4002)與可呼吸性粉塵(CLA4001)之採樣匣,進行粉塵採樣,重金屬分析則是參考CLA3011(砷等元素ICP採樣分析方法)之建議方法進行分析。研究結果發現,5家金屬製品製造業廠總粉塵的質量濃度平均值在0.25~4.51 mg/m3之間;呼吸性粉塵的質量濃度平均值在0.12~1.54 mg/m3之間。在分區之總粉塵及可呼吸性粉塵濃度採樣結果可知,金屬加工處理區是濃度較高區域。由總粉塵與可呼吸粉塵內重金屬之成分分析可知,金屬製品製造業廠樣本含有Ni、Cr、Mn、Fe、Cu、Al與Pb等重金屬,其中5家金屬製品加工業粉塵中重金屬濃度均是以Fe濃度為最高,其Fe之平均濃度在5廠中依序為9.5±6.2 μg/m3、14.2±4.3 μg/m3、29.9±9.1 μg/m3、12.5±3.8 μg/m3以及3482.2±2015.3 μg/m3。
This work investigated the suspended particulates' distribution and characteristics , including operating environmental factors, dust concentrations, and heavy metal composition in the dust, in the operating environment of metal product manufacturing factories. In this work, 5 metal product manufacturing factories had been chosen for regional sampling. The sampling methods of total particulate and respirable particulate was following the standard methods CLA4002 and CLA4001, and heavy metal analysis is based on the recommended method of CLA3011. The results indicated that total particulate matter concentrations of 5 metal product manufacturing factories are 0.25~4.51 mg/m3 , and respirable particulate matter concentrations are 0.12~1.54 mg/m3 , which are all below the permit concentrations. The concentrations of the total and respirable particulate matter in the metal processing area were the highest in all sampling areas. According to the analysis of heavy metal in the total and respirable particulate matters, the detected heavy metal were Ni, Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Al, and Pb are detected. The Fe was the major content. The average concentrations of the Fe in 5 metal product manufacturing factories were 9.5±6.2 μg/m3 , 14.2±4.3 μg/m3 , 29.9±9.1 μg/m3 , 12.5±3.8 μg/m3 and 3482.2±2015.3 μg/m3. |
英文摘要 |
This work investigated the suspended particulates' distribution and characteristics , including operating environmental factors, dust concentrations, and heavy metal composition in the dust, in the operating environment of metal product manufacturing factories. In this work, 5 metal product manufacturing factories had been chosen for regional sampling. The sampling methods of total particulate and respirable particulate was following the standard methods CLA4002 and CLA4001, and heavy metal analysis is based on the recommended method of CLA3011. The results indicated that total particulate matter concentrations of 5 metal product manufacturing factories are 0.25~4.51 mg/m3 , and respirable particulate matter concentrations are 0.12~1.54 mg/m3 , which are all below the permit concentrations. The concentrations of the total and respirable particulate matter in the metal processing area were the highest in all sampling areas. According to the analysis of heavy metal in the total and respirable particulate matters, the detected heavy metal were Ni, Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Al, and Pb are detected. The Fe was the major content. The average concentrations of the Fe in 5 metal product manufacturing factories were 9.5±6.2 μg/m3 , 14.2±4.3 μg/m3 , 29.9±9.1 μg/m3 , 12.5±3.8 μg/m3 and 3482.2±2015.3 μg/m3. |
起訖頁 |
128-139 |
關鍵詞 |
金屬製品製造業、總粉塵、可呼吸性粉塵、分佈、重金屬、Metal products manufacturing、Total suspended particulate、Respirable particulate、Heavy metal、distribution |
刊名 |
勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊 |
期數 |
201806 (26:2期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
職業安全衛生管理系統之管理績效持續改善探討 |