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勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Occupational Health and Safety Knowledge Improvement after an Intervention among Undergraduates
作者 董育蕙陳志傑林瑜雯
Background: Occupational health and safety (OHS) education is essential for employee in workplace as well as the students in campus. In Taiwan, a 32-hour OHS course module was organized for undergraduates. The students’ OHS knowledge improvement by this intervention was evaluated by a before and after study design without a control group between 2006 and 2007. Methods: A questionnaire contained 39 multiple choice questions was utilized to assess students’ OHS knowledge of 13 topics, chemical hazards, hazard communication, biological hazards, ergonomic, hazards of computer operations, noise, ionizing radiation, nonionizing radiation, respiratory protection, personal protective equipment, electricity safety, fire protection and first aid. Results: A total of 933 students who were enrolled in elective OHS classes at 18 colleges completed both pretest and posttest. Students’ OHS knowledge improved significantly after this intervention. Though ergonomics and hazards of computer operations resulted in different improvements between nature sciences and social sciences groups, the overall content was still appropriate to most enrolled students. Conclusion: The study results in a positive impact on OHS knowledge of college students via the OHS general education intervention. Though content modification is recommended to enhance the learning efficacy for all undergraduates. Giving students the opportunities to explore OHS shall be an import seeding for further OHS training at workplace after their completion of school education. 研究背景:在職場提供勞工職業安全衛生教育訓練與在學校中提供學生安全衛生教育有同等重要性。教育部發展了一門2學分,共計32小時的大學職業安全衛生課程模組,本研究於2006-2007年間使用前測—後測方法,針對該門課程對大學生職業安全衛生知識提升成效進行評估。研究方法:本研究成效評估問卷包括39題選擇題,針對化學性危害、危害通識、生物性危害、人因工程、電腦危害防護、呼吸防護、個人防護具、噪音、游離輻射、非游離輻射、電氣安全、火災爆炸及急救等13個安全衛生課程議題進行評估。研究結果:共有18所大學933位大學生參與本項成效評估。參與課程的學生在職業安全衛生知識上有顯著提升,且人因工程與電腦危害防護兩項課程在主修自然科學與社會科學的學生身上呈現不同程度之影響。結論:本研究結果顯示此一職業安全衛生課程對於大學生職業安全衛生的知識有正面影響,但若欲再提升學生之學習效能,課程內容仍有調整與修正之空間。讓大學生在學校有機會接觸職業安全衛生教育對於將來進入職場後接受各項職業安全衛生訓練預期會有相當助益。
起訖頁 103-113
關鍵詞 職業安全衛生課程成效評估Occupational Health and Safety EducationProgram Effectiveness
刊名 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 201806 (26:2期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 以ALOHA及WISER探討氯乙烯槽車之危害範圍
該期刊-下一篇 職業安全衛生管理系統之管理績效持續改善探討




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