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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
The Application of Job Safety Analysis (JSA) on Bottled Beer Packaging Processes |
作者 |
歐陽輝安、葉忠益、謝賢書、許錦明 |
中文摘要 |
啤酒包裝製程要順利運轉,就需避免因作業人員及使用機械、材料、方法、環境等意外事件造成職業災害與停工損失。本研究以工作安全分析(Job Safety Analysis, JSA)技術,執行瓶裝啤酒包裝製程之六項製程單元(空瓶卸除區、洗淨空瓶區、裝酒充填區、殺菌區、貼標區、成品區)危害辨識。結果共辨識出19種危害類型,計181件潛在危害。其中,瓶裝啤酒包裝製程有7種主要危害類型(共佔80.5%),分別是割傷53件(29.3%)最多,噪音23件(12.7%),捲夾、壓傷16件(8.8%),跌、滑倒15件(8.3%),衝撞、被撞14件(7.7%),物體飛落13件(7.1%),肌肉骨骼傷害12件(6.6%)等。經風險評估分析結果,發現瓶裝啤酒包裝製程181件潛在危害中,不可接受之風險排序等級為B和C級者各有2件和14件,需採取行動或採取行政管理措施之風險排序等級D等級者有165件。最後據以建置標準作業程序(Standard Operation Procedure, SOP),供事業單位參考使用。
Producing good quality beer to fulfill the need of consumers in the beer market is the main profit resource for beer manufacturers to keep their business. For assuring beer packaging procedure to be operated safely and successfully, manufacturer have the responsibility to avoid the risk of work injuries and shutdowns which may be caused by employees and accidents from operating mechanical equipment, materials, methods, and environment. According to the investigation of work injuries from beer packaging procedure, there were 34 people injured and 1 accident. These events would cause visible and invisible loss in beer packaging procedure. This research applies Job Safety Analysis (JSA) to identify six hazardous areas (Empty Bottle Unscrambling Area, Empty Bottle Cleaning Area, Over flow liquid filling Area, Sterilization Area, labeling Area and Packaging Area) of beer packaging procedure. This analysis suggests that there are 19 classifications of hazards and 181 hazards may happen. It has been found that there are 53 cases (29.3%) of slash injury (which happen the most), 23 cases (12.7%) of noise injury (which ranks as the second most occurring), 16 cases (8.8%) of crush injury, 15 cases (8.3%) of ship and fall injury, 14 cases (7.7%) of strike injury, 13 cases (7.1%) of injury caused by fallen objects, and 12 cases (6.6%) of bones injury. These 7 types of hazard (work injuries) count for 80.5% of the main hazards that are present during the process of beer packaging. According to the analysis of risk assessment, there were 2 cases of unacceptable risk level B and 14 cases of unacceptable risk level C; 165 cases of level D needs to be monitored by admin management. From the systematical analysis, it can be seen that this research concludes that the Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) is recommended for Beer Manufacturers to follow. |
英文摘要 |
Producing good quality beer to fulfill the need of consumers in the beer market is the main profit resource for beer manufacturers to keep their business. For assuring beer packaging procedure to be operated safely and successfully, manufacturer have the responsibility to avoid the risk of work injuries and shutdowns which may be caused by employees and accidents from operating mechanical equipment, materials, methods, and environment. According to the investigation of work injuries from beer packaging procedure, there were 34 people injured and 1 accident. These events would cause visible and invisible loss in beer packaging procedure. This research applies Job Safety Analysis (JSA) to identify six hazardous areas (Empty Bottle Unscrambling Area, Empty Bottle Cleaning Area, Over flow liquid filling Area, Sterilization Area, labeling Area and Packaging Area) of beer packaging procedure. This analysis suggests that there are 19 classifications of hazards and 181 hazards may happen. It has been found that there are 53 cases (29.3%) of slash injury (which happen the most), 23 cases (12.7%) of noise injury (which ranks as the second most occurring), 16 cases (8.8%) of crush injury, 15 cases (8.3%) of ship and fall injury, 14 cases (7.7%) of strike injury, 13 cases (7.1%) of injury caused by fallen objects, and 12 cases (6.6%) of bones injury. These 7 types of hazard (work injuries) count for 80.5% of the main hazards that are present during the process of beer packaging. According to the analysis of risk assessment, there were 2 cases of unacceptable risk level B and 14 cases of unacceptable risk level C; 165 cases of level D needs to be monitored by admin management. From the systematical analysis, it can be seen that this research concludes that the Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) is recommended for Beer Manufacturers to follow. |
起訖頁 |
76-90 |
關鍵詞 |
啤酒包裝、工作安全分析、風險評估、標準作業程序、Beer Packaging、Job Safety Analysis、Risk Assessment、Standard Operation Procedure |
刊名 |
勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊 |
期數 |
201806 (26:2期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
生產現場避免捲胴機械危害之探討 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
以ALOHA及WISER探討氯乙烯槽車之危害範圍 |