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Investigation in Avoiding Hazard for Production Field of Reel-Reel Machinery
作者 劉國青黃昭萍沈育霖康淵王子彬
最近幾十年來幾乎每年都發生捲胴機器捲人致死的職災,大部分的老闆和管理者面對的問題是既有的設備或是已採購驗收的設備,如何降低風險,避免生產現場的設備發生危害。因此本文探討生產現場避免自動化捲胴機械危害的安全措施,本文的研究途徑如後所敘的項目,依序進行:1.文獻探討;2.從職災案例的事故分析,探討捲胴機械生產設備之危害;3.現場訪視,探討其生產現場存在的危險;4.比較國際標準;探討本國現有標準及法令;以及5.探討有關捲胴式機器風險評鑑及降低風險的案例,根據本文以上研究內容所得結果,綜合分析,提出自動化捲胴機械生產現場防止危害的初步評議。 Since the last several ten years fatal accidents have occurred in production fields of reel-reel machinery every year. Therefore, this paper explores the inherent safety of the reel manufacturing equipment. This paper approaches sequentially by: 1. references surrey; 2. case study and accident analysis for occupational hazards of equipment and production fields; 3. on-site visiting to explore the dangers and safety precautions of their equipment and manufacturing systems; 4. the comparison in international standards to explore the existing national standards and ordinances; and 5. study in risk assessment and reducing from technical report for the reel-reel machinery of a manufacturing factory. According to the results of the comprehensive analysis of the above research contents, this paper proposed the preliminary comments on the inherent safety of the automatic reel-reel machine.
Since the last several ten years fatal accidents have occurred in production fields of reel-reel machinery every year. Therefore, this paper explores the inherent safety of the reel manufacturing equipment. This paper approaches sequentially by: 1. references surrey; 2. case study and accident analysis for occupational hazards of equipment and production fields; 3. on-site visiting to explore the dangers and safety precautions of their equipment and manufacturing systems; 4. the comparison in international standards to explore the existing national standards and ordinances; and 5. study in risk assessment and reducing from technical report for the reel-reel machinery of a manufacturing factory. According to the results of the comprehensive analysis of the above research contents, this paper proposed the preliminary comments on the inherent safety of the automatic reel-reel machine.
起訖頁 59-75
關鍵詞 捲胴機械防止捲夾本質安全風險評鑑危害鑑別風險估計風險評估安全設計Reel-reel MachineryPreventing Pinching or EmbroilingInherent SafetyRisk AssessmentDanger AnalysisHazard IdentificationRisk EstimationRisk EvaluationSafety Design
刊名 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 201806 (26:2期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-下一篇 瓶裝啤酒包裝製程之工作安全分析




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