勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊 Journal of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health |
201703 (25:1期)期所有篇 |
- 兩岸勞動檢查法制之比較研究 A Comparison Study of Labor Inspection between Taiwan and Mainland China
- 有害物危害預防規章中通風設施管理狀況探討 The Implementation of Regulations on the Management of Ventilation Facilities for Harmful Substances
- 從重大職災成因探討營造業安全管理困境與突破 Identifying Limitations and Breakthroughs Regarding Safety Management in the Construction Industry According to the Causes of Major Occupational Accidents
- 多功能模組化移載輔具之設計與系統整合 Starting to Map out Taiwan's Legal Framework Concerning Carbon Storage: On the Basis of the London Protocol
- 奈米金屬微粒引發健康危害之動物實驗評估 Health Hazards Evaluation for Workers Exposed to Metal Nanoparticles by Animal Study
- 初探我國陪同鑑定人制度