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勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Health Hazards Evaluation for Workers Exposed to Metal Nanoparticles by Animal Study
作者 潘致弘洪琨景莊凱任莊校奇
本研究以呼吸道暴露模式探討奈米氧化鋅與奈米鎳微粒對肺部呼吸道發炎反應、氧化壓力、蛋白質表現、病理變化與可能肺部腫瘤的風險,進而探討奈米金屬微粒導致呼吸道健康效應之劑量效應與致病機轉。由急性(24小時)效應呼吸毒理實驗發現奈米氧化鋅與奈米鎳暴露會引發小鼠之乳酸脫氫酵素、總蛋白質、凋亡蛋白酶-3、8-氫氧-2-去氧鳥糞核糖核苷與肺鱗狀細胞癌指標p63的濃度顯著升高。將小鼠暴露於20 μg ZnONP20的肺部取出後,將其總蛋白質萃取分析肺部各蛋白質的表現情形,研究發現共有281個蛋白質表現有意義,其中有117個蛋白質的表現增加與164個蛋白質表現下降。而將小鼠暴露於20 μg NiNP20的肺部取出後,將其總蛋白質萃取分析肺部各蛋白質的表現情形,研究發現共有212個蛋白質表現有意義,其中有108個蛋白質的表現增加與104個蛋白質表現下降。因此建議奈米氧化鋅與奈米鎳暴露的事業單位加強通風改善,並以教育訓練勞工佩戴呼吸防護具,及定期維護更換呼吸防護具,嚴格要求作業勞工佩戴呼吸防護具。
This study attempted to investigate the inflammation, oxidative stress, protein expression, pathology variation and pulmonary tumor risk after the exposure of BALB/c mice to zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnONPs) and nickel nanoparticles (NiNPs) via intratracheal instillation. We observed that lactate dehydrogenase, total protein, caspase-3, 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine and p63 were associated with 24-hour exposure to ZnONPs and NiNPs. All the downregulated and upregulated proteins among the 281 proteins and 212 proteins in the 24-hour of ZnONPs and NiNPs exposure were analyzed to evaluate their implications for biological processes and molecular functions. There were 117 proteins upregulation and 164 proteins downregulation after 24-hour of ZnONPs exposure. Furthermore, there were 108 proteins upregulation and 104 proteins downregulation after 24-hour of NiNPs exposure. According to our findings, we suggest employers to reinforce ventilation in the workplace for reducing ZnONPs and NiNPs esxposure. We also suggest that employers must educate employees to use respiratory protector properly and provide respiratory protector for employees to use.
起訖頁 47-59
關鍵詞 奈米金屬微粒發炎反應氧化壓力動物實驗Metal NanoparticlesInflammationOxidative StressAnimal Study
刊名 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 201703 (25:1期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 多功能模組化移載輔具之設計與系統整合
該期刊-下一篇 初探我國陪同鑑定人制度




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