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Identifying Limitations and Breakthroughs Regarding Safety Management in the Construction Industry According to the Causes of Major Occupational Accidents
作者 鄭慶武林楨中
Occupational accidents happen for a reason. In this study, statistics compiled by the Ministry of Labor on major occupational accidents in the construction industry during 2000-2014 in Taiwan were analyzed; a direct observation of a construction site was made; and interviews with contractors, supervisors, and workers were conducted to identify the causes of accidents and safety management failures. The results suggested that improving the safety behavior of frontline workers was critical to reducing occupational accidents. In addition, the findings of the field research showed that low- price bidding, subcontracting, pressure to meet deadlines, and labor shortages were commonly involved in the implementation of contracted construction projects. Consequently, numerous construction firms were unable to perform safety and hygiene management sufficiently, despite perceiving such management as crucial. To effectively reduce occupational accidents in the construction industry, the government can conduct regular inspection visits to construction sites and formulate penalties. Additionally, construction firms can invest further in safety and hygiene management to improve worker safety at higher heights, provide daily training sessions and notifications about work-related hazards before work begins, perform frequent walk- around checks, and issue safety instructions whenever necessary.
起訖頁 24-37
關鍵詞 營造業重大職災安全管理事故成因分析Construction IndustryMajor Occupational AccidentSafety ManagementCause of Accident Analysis
刊名 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 201703 (25:1期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 有害物危害預防規章中通風設施管理狀況探討
該期刊-下一篇 多功能模組化移載輔具之設計與系統整合




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