科學教育月刊 Science Education Monthly |
202108 (441期)期所有篇 |
- TIMSS 2015臺灣國中小數學與科學學習之學校環境(1) Taiwan's elementary and junior high school environment of mathematics and science learning in TIMSS 2015(I)
- 金牛T型星的發現──探索恆星與行星的形成 Discovery of T Tauri stars-key to evolution of stars and planets
- 十分逼近法的誤打誤撞 The coincidence of digit-by-digit caculation
- 用二項式定理推導n次方根與倒數的近似值數列 An elementary approach to derive the approximate value sequence for the nth root and reciprocal
- 以回溯逆向差分運算法尋找數列的多項式函數 Searching for the polynomial of a number sequence through backtracking reverse difference operation
- 不同濃度的單一碳源及混合碳源對酵母菌發酵速率的影響 The impact of different concentrations of single carbon source and mixed carbon source to the fermentation rate of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- 蠅憶殺手──燃燒線香對果蠅學習能力的影響 The effect of incense burning on the learning ability of drosophila