臺灣華語教學研究 Taiwan Journal of C hinese as a SecondLanguage |
201212 (5期)期所有篇 |
- 華語語言文化認知教學:結合概念結構進行租房活動練習 Language, culture, and cognitive approach to TCSL--introducing conceptual structure of renting a place to pre-task activities
- 商務華語教材詞彙研析:師培需求暨觀點研究 Lexical Analysis of Business Chinese Teaching Material: A Study in Teacher Trainees' Needs and Perceptions
- 對外漢語語法教材例句存在的問題及其對策 Problems of examples in textbooks for teaching Chinese as a second language and countermeasures to solve them
- 表加強否定語氣副詞「並」、「又」的語篇銜接功能 A study on the textual cohesive functions of bing and you under the context of emphasizing the negative meaning
- 法語編寫的華語教材在地化:以法語區中學生初級華語時貌教學為例 Localization of Chinese textbooks in French: teaching aspect markers to French-speaking secondary-school students as an example
- 現代漢語「雖然」與「儘管」的語用差異 The pragmatic difference between “suiran” and “jinguan” in modern Mandarin Chines
- 再談old老舊:認知分析及其教學實踐 Revisiting old 老舊:A Cognitive Analysis and its Pedagogical Implementation