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Lexical Analysis of Business Chinese Teaching Material: A Study in Teacher Trainees' Needs and Perceptions
作者 陳麗宇李欣欣
This study takes the viewpoints and needs of the students in a teacher training course to examine the business vocabulary in business Chinese teaching materials. It analyzes the characteristics of the lexicon of some current business Chinese textbooks. The samples were the intermediate-level business Chinese textbooks published in Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong in the past ten years. We discuss the contents and difficulty level of the vocabulary used in the so-called intermediate business Chinese courses. The vocabulary analysis takes the view of the students in a teacher-training course and compares it with the views expressed by business college students. These views are then compared with the vocabulary list of frequently-used vocabulary of the Business Chinese Test used in Mainland China. The research results facilitate our understanding of the teacher trainees' comprehension of business vocabulary and allow us to analyze in depth the specific weight of difficulty words and the distribution of specialty fields as contained in the current business Chinese textbooks. At the same time, this paper discusses the resources needed to educate business Chinese teacher trainees. Finally, this study raises some proposals for business Chinese teacher training and directions of business Chinese instruction. As the perception of some difficult vocabulary was due to the word-usage differences between the two sides of the Strait, this paper also provides a list of variant specialty words used in Mainland China and Taiwan as a reference for future textbook compilers.
起訖頁 15-42
關鍵詞 商務華語詞彙習得師培教育教材設計Business ChineseVocabulary learningTeacher EducationTextbook design
刊名 臺灣華語教學研究  
期數 201212 (5期)
出版單位 臺灣華語文教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 華語語言文化認知教學:結合概念結構進行租房活動練習
該期刊-下一篇 對外漢語語法教材例句存在的問題及其對策




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