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Revisiting old 老舊:A Cognitive Analysis and its Pedagogical Implementation
作者 戴金惠
繼趙恆玉(1999)對old,老、舊的語義研究,本文進一步採用認知研究方法來檢視old,老、舊與老舊之語義。同時並以“主觀化”為重點探討其中相對應的語義關係。文中所採用的語料出自於密西根學術口語英語語料庫(MICASE) 以及聯合知識庫(UDN Data)。為探討其教學應用層面,本文並檢視《中文聽說讀寫》、《中級漢語讀本》、《高級經貿漢語》中old,老、舊的翻譯對比,希冀為old,老、舊與老舊之語義提供更進一步的教學應用與執行價值。
This paper follows Chao's (1999) semantic analysis of old, 老 lǎo, 舊jiù and employs a cognitive approach to broaden the prior analysis and be even more precise by considering the context of the English usage of old. It further highlights the notion of subjectification in the analysis of old, good old,老 lǎo, and舊jiù to see the “good”ness in the domain of TIME and SPACE. Authentic data were drawn from the corpus data of MICASE (Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English), and UDN Data ( 聯合知識庫) to provide a coherent contrastive cognitive analysis. Moreover, translated correspondents of old, 老 lǎo, 舊jiù in three popular language textbooks were also used in the pedagogical evaluation. Preliminary findings suggest that there is a lack of equivalence in the English-Chinese translated correspondents in the language textbooks, which provides a scaffolding understanding process toward old, 老 lǎo, 舊jiù, and further sheds light on better implementation of pedagogical sequences.
起訖頁 111-139
關鍵詞 old老 lǎo舊jiù認知語義主觀化old老 lǎo舊jiùcognitive semanticscontrastivesubjectification
刊名 臺灣華語教學研究  
期數 201212 (5期)
出版單位 臺灣華語文教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 現代漢語「雖然」與「儘管」的語用差異




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