實踐博雅學報 Shih Chien Journal of Liberal Arts |
201601 (23期)期所有篇 |
- 民主轉型後台灣與南韓政黨體系變遷過程之比較分析 The Comparative Analysis of Taiwan and South Korea after party system change process of democratic transition
- 由對照式書寫解構〈李師師外傳〉之敘事命題 Deconstructing the Narrative Proposition of 'The Unauthorized Biography of Li Shishi' via Comparative Writing
- 實踐大學高雄校區通識教育課程之規劃研究 Study on planning for liberal education courses of Kaohsiung campus of the Shih-Chien University
- 牡丹社事件中殺害琉球漂民之凶手及其動機 The murderers and their motives for killing Ryukyuan castaways in the Botan Tribe Incident
- 遼慶陵哀冊書法評述 A Review of Liao Calligraphy on Qingling Epitaphs