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The murderers and their motives for killing Ryukyuan castaways in the Botan Tribe Incident
作者 郭伯佾
清同治十年十一月八日(1871 年 12 月 19 日),54 位琉球漂民於排灣族牡丹社 境內遭到原住民殺害。同治十三年三月(1874 年 4 月),日本西鄉從道以懲兇為名,率領 2400 餘名將士攻打牡丹社等諸原住民部落──此為清領時期臺灣史上所謂的「牡丹社事件」。臺灣與日本兩地針對牡丹社事件之研究,成果極為豐碩;惟至今仍有若干疑點 等待釐清。尤其是殺害 54 位琉球漂民的凶手究竟是哪一部落或哪些部落的原住民? 再者,排灣族的原住民既然提供食物與住宿給琉球漂民;為何還要殺害他們?綜合相關的歷史文獻與後人的研究成果,本文獲致兩項結論── 一、關於殺害琉球漂民之凶手,清朝政府認為是牡丹社人;日本方面早期亦認為是牡丹社人,晚近的學者或認係牡丹社與高士滑社人;臺灣學者多認為僅係高士 滑社人;至於楊友旺四世裔孫楊添才,則依據其四世祖楊友旺(即當年出面營救倖 存的 12 位琉球漂民的保力莊莊主)在世時所述,明謂 54 位琉球漂民係牡丹社、高 士滑社、女乃社與竹社四個部落的原住民所殺──本文傾向主張:殺害琉球漂民之 凶手,包括牡丹社、高士滑社、女乃社與竹社四個排灣族部落的原住民。二、關於牡丹社、高士滑社、女乃社與竹社四個排灣族部落的原住民殺害琉球 漂民之動機,日本人士認係為了劫財而害命;排灣族原住民或謂是將琉球漂民誤認 為他們所仇視的漢人所致;至於某位高士滑社的耆老之長輩則說是「基於保護族人 與領地」──本文傾向主張:牡丹諸社原住民之所以殺害琉球漂民,主要是基於保 護族人與領地。
On November 8, 1871, some 54 Ryukyuan castaways were massacred by Paiwan aborigines in Sinuvaudane (Botan Tribe) area. In the name of chastising the murderers, Japanese army invaded Taiwan in April, 1874 and provoked fierce conflicts with the aborigines. This is the so-called Botan Tribe Incident in Taiwan history. Numerous studies have been done on the Botan Tribe Incident either from China or from Japan. However, some doubts still remain to be clarified, especially about what tribe of Paiwan should be blamed for killing 54. Ryukyuans. Moreover, opinions are widely divided about what caused the Paiwan tribesmen to kill these Ryukyuan castaways despite the fact that they initially offered the castaways food and shelters. By reviewing historical records and literature reports, this study leads to the following conclusions: Who killed 54 Ryukyuan castaways? According to Qing China, 54 Ryukyuan castaways were killed by tribesmen of Sinuvaudane . Japan has the same official report. Yet some researchers believe that 54 castaways were killed by tribesmen of Sinuvaudane and Kuskus. Recent researches in Taiwan indicate that 54 castaways were killed by tribesmen of Kuskus. Nevertheless, Yang Tienchai, the fourth descendant of Yang Youwang, who saved 12 castaways in the incident, declares that 54 Ryukyuan castaways were killed by Paiwan tribesmen of Sinuvaudane , Kuskus, Tjaljunay and Tatalivan .After careful research, this study suggests that 54 Ryukyuan castaways were killed by Paiwan tribesmen of Sinuvaudane , Kuskus, Tjaljunay and Tatalivan. What's the motive of the killing? According to Japan, Paiwan tribesmen murdered the castaways just to rob their belongings. Paiwan tribesmen explained that they mistook these castaways as the hostile Han people. A senior tribesman of Kuskus pointed out that the image Associate Professor, School of Liberal Education, Shih Chien University, Kaohsiung Campus massacre was for the protection of Paiwan tribesmen and their territory. This study inclines to suggest the murder of 54 Ryukyuan castaways was for the protection of Paiwan tribesmen and their territory.
起訖頁 67-89
關鍵詞 琉球漂民牡丹社事件高士滑社交通權Ryukyuan castawaysthe Botan Tribe IncidentKuskustraffic rights
刊名 實踐博雅學報  
期數 201601 (23期)
出版單位 實踐大學博雅學部
該期刊-上一篇 實踐大學高雄校區通識教育課程之規劃研究
該期刊-下一篇 遼慶陵哀冊書法評述




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