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Study on planning for liberal education courses of Kaohsiung campus of the Shih-Chien University
作者 邱秀香
通識教育已於臺灣大專院校施行多年,卻始終面臨相當多的困難與挑戰,如通識教育在大學教育中的定位模糊不清、通識科目與專業科目之間的競爭排擠、學生對於通識課程的輕忽,將通識課程視為營養學分,以及通識教育高懸的理想常和實際教學中產生落差,致使授課教師易產生挫折感,學生亦學習動機與成就過低等情況。上述問題在通識教育學界不斷的論辯、教育部各項計畫的討論以及通識教育評鑑的推動中開始有一嶄新的發展,從課程改革、境教的發展到學生自主學習的推動,讓臺灣通識教育有新的可能性。本文主要針對實踐大學高雄校區103學年度到 104學年度的課程變革及學生學習反應為研究主體,討論其在整體通識教育發展趨勢中所進行的變革及遇到的困難,並思索可解決之道以為改進。
General Education has been carried out at academic institutions in Taiwan for many years, However, it always faced a number of few difficulties and challenges such as the exclusion and competition between general education and professional courses, students' overlook the general education curriculum and considering the general education courses as nutrition credits. Also the infeasible ideals of general education and practical teaching often have a gap, which resulted in the teachers being easy to feel frustration and students having the lower learning motivation and achievement.Recently university education has been transformed from the traditional teachers are the teaching main subject into students are the learning subject and their learning reactions are also been noticed. Each teaching initiatives should be based on the feedback and adaption from the student learning outcomes and reactions to courses. This study aims to understand the students' learning motivation and learning attitude of general education courses, and learning outcomes in Kaohsiung Campus, Shih-Chien University for the Liberal School planning the curriculum, and teaching materials and methods improvements as references in order to enhance the overall teaching quality in future.
起訖頁 51-67
關鍵詞 通識教育實踐大學學習反應教育評鑑General EducationShih-Chien Universitylearning performance
刊名 實踐博雅學報  
期數 201601 (23期)
出版單位 實踐大學博雅學部
該期刊-上一篇 由對照式書寫解構〈李師師外傳〉之敘事命題
該期刊-下一篇 牡丹社事件中殺害琉球漂民之凶手及其動機




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