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Deconstructing the Narrative Proposition of 'The Unauthorized Biography of Li Shishi' via Comparative Writing
作者 李昭鴻
〈李師師外傳〉採傳奇手法刻畫傳主生平逸事,且將人物褒貶附在故事結尾, 臧否人物是非善惡之際,同時針砭時政、月旦社會,以古鑒今而必依於正。小說中 對於李師師形象的塑造,主要利用與其他角色的互動襯托,展現其色藝雙全、不重 利益和大勇無懼的人格特質。尤其李師師自小生長在妓院中,由嗜利慕勢的李姥撫 養,卻能夠保持著高潔品格,出淤泥而不染的精神尤顯可貴。其後雖有幸得到宋徽 宗的青睞,卻在金人入侵北宋時,成為張邦昌進獻金主之物,最後壯烈成仁,益突 顯其忠貞愛國的道德情操。進而對照出宋徽宗的昏庸無能,隱喻對國君以下男性無 法保家衛國的批評,及南宋重蹈北宋衰弱覆轍的抨擊,是可作為統治者的借鑑,以 見其人物塑造的諷刺意涵。於此,〈李師師外傳〉作者以宋代理學盛行故,刻劃出迥 異於其他作品裡的李師師形象,亦可得見其形塑人物的獨到之處,和對宋代傳奇小 說發展的貢獻。
'The Unauthorized Biography of Li Shishi' depicted life stories of Li Shishi by means of legendary manners, and it provided judgments of characters at the end of the story. It not only passed judgments on right and wrong of characters, but also voiced concerns about current politics and social affairs. The book stressed that history was a mirror and everything would be obedient to justice. The image shaping of Li Shishi in the book was mainly set off via the interaction with other characters, and her personal traits of wit and charm, indifference to wealth, and great courage were fully expressed. In particular, born in a whorehouse and raised by her snobbish granny Li, Li Shishi still possessed noble and pure personality; it was commendable that she could live a chaste life in a hostile environment. Although it was fortunate for her to be appreciated by Emperor Song Huizong afterwards, she became a tribute that Zhang Bangchang proffered to Jing's master when Jin's armed force invaded Northern Song Dynasty. Eventually she died a glorious death, and it outstood her moral sentiment of patriotism and contrasted to Emperor Song Huizong's fatuousness. This book implied critics that the monarch and all the males failed to defend their nation and Southern Song Dynasty recommitted the same weakness of Northern Song Dynasty. It afforded salutary lessons for the rulers and provided the sarcastic implication from its characterization. Compared to other works, the author of 'The Unauthorized Biography of Li Shishi' has created a totally different image of Li Shishi under the prevalence of Neo-confucianism in Song Dynasty. Also, this book manifested the author's unique characterization technique and his contribution to the development of legendary novel in Song Dynasty .
起訖頁 31-50
關鍵詞 〈李師師外傳〉傳奇小說宋代小說人物塑造諷刺The Unauthorized Biography of Li Shishilegendary novelSong Dynasty novelcharacterizationsarcasm
刊名 實踐博雅學報  
期數 201601 (23期)
出版單位 實踐大學博雅學部
該期刊-上一篇 民主轉型後台灣與南韓政黨體系變遷過程之比較分析
該期刊-下一篇 實踐大學高雄校區通識教育課程之規劃研究




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