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The Comparative Analysis of Taiwan and South Korea after party system change process of democratic transition
作者 楊以彬
本文研究主題係比較分析民主轉型後台灣與南韓政黨體系變遷過程。1980 年代中期之前,兩國皆為威權體制國家,邇後銜接第三波民主化浪潮的「骨牌 效應」,推動其和平民主轉型。透過民主轉型導引的政治改革與制度建立,驅 動台灣與南韓政黨體系的變遷。然在變遷過程中,政黨體系在台灣和南韓民主 轉型互動上,雖非單一支配因素,但也處於關鍵樞紐位置,而兩國政黨體系最 大差異,即在變遷過程中的「運作特徵」。對此,本文擬採用多元的分類標準 與操作工具,進而界定及比較台灣與南韓政黨體系的變遷模式的差異;以及運 作特徵的不同。本文的研究發現指出:台灣屬於「漸進型」模式,南韓則為「激 進型」型態,彼此有著極高的差異性,此差異主要源自兩國政黨體系中運作特徵的不同。最大差異乃在台灣政黨體系的變遷過程,基本依循民主發展或政治 改革的路徑穩定轉換,故政黨向來扮演是促進政治動員與整合的主角,但南韓 因強烈濃厚的「政黨個人化」傾向,使得政黨體系幾乎是圍繞在政治領導者個 人的意志或決策的走向,在不同的民主發展階段或政權變動之際,就會發生劇 烈波動,政黨離合集散頻繁,導致政黨在南韓一直是長期邊際化的配角。
The theme of this paper is to study comparative analysis of democratic transitions in Taiwan and South Korea Party System Change Process. Before the mid-1980s, the two countries are all authoritarian state, after then 'domino effect' third wave of democratization, and promote its peaceful transition to democracy. Change of Taiwan and South Korea to promote the party system through the process of democratization. But in the change process, Party system in Taiwan and South Korea democratic transition, though not a single dominant factor, but also in a key position and the biggest difference between the two party system that is in 'Active Features' changes resulting from the process. In this paper, the use of different classification criteria and operational tools to define and compare changes modes and operational features of the party system in Taiwan and South Korea are different. This study found that Taiwan belongs to the 'gradual model', South Korea belong to the 'radical model'. The two countries have a high difference. This difference mainly comes from the different operating characteristics within the party system. The biggest difference is in the process of Taiwan's political system changes substantially follow the path of democratic development and political reform and stability conversion, so the party has been playing to promote the role of political mobilization and integration, But South Korea because of the strong 'political individualism', making party system around the political leaders of personal will or policy direction, At different stages of democratic development, leading to dramatic change, making the South Korean political parties have long been marginalized.
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 政黨體系變遷過程政黨個人化漸進型模式激進型模式Party SystemChange ProcessPolitical IndividualismGradual modelRadical model
刊名 實踐博雅學報  
期數 201601 (23期)
出版單位 實踐大學博雅學部
該期刊-下一篇 由對照式書寫解構〈李師師外傳〉之敘事命題




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