體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
202312 (56:4期)期所有篇 |
- 睪固酮是跨性別運動員參加國際競賽的關鍵角色 Testosterone plays a key role in transgender athletes’participation in international competitions
- 邁向更嚴謹的體育運動學術研究:複製危機與預先註冊 Advancing towards more rigorous academic research in sports: Replication crisis and preregistration
- 從健康促進到贏得獎牌:蘇格蘭運動與身體活動政策發展探析 From health promotion to winning medals: A policy analysis for the development of scottish sport and physical activity
- 女子籃球三對三及五對五比賽體能需求之差異 Differences in physical demands between women’s 3x3 and 5x5 basketball games
- 臺灣規律運動比率之趨勢變化:轉折點迴歸分析(2007-2022年) Changes in trends in people’s engagement in regular exercise in Taiwan: A joinpoint regression analysis (2007-2022)
- 知覺行為控制在計畫行為理論中的調節作用:健康相關行為的元分析結構方程模型 Perceived behavioral control’s moderating role in the theory of planned behavior: A meta-analytic structural equation model of health-related behavior literature