體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
200603 期所有篇 |
- 不同身體質量指數青少年的體能商比較研究 The comparison of Physical Fitness Quotient with different Body Mass Index of adolescent
- 有氧-阻力與瑜珈-阻力訓練對停經後婦女腰椎骨質密度之影響 The effects of aerobic-resistance and yoga-resistance training on lumbar bone density in postmenopausal women
- 馬拉松賽對急性反應分子的生理影響 The physiological effects of marathon race on acute phase reactants
- 輪班工作人員身體活動與睡眠品質之相關研究--以航空國際線空服人員越洋航班為例 The relationship between physical activity and sleep quality of shift workers international flight attendants
- 球棒重量與揮棒速度及握力相關之研究 Relationship among bat weight, swing velocity and grip force
- 以三種數學方法計算標槍繞縱軸旋轉之運動學參數 The calculation of the rotational kinematics about the longitudinal axis of a javelin by three methods
- 不同技術層次空氣槍選手之腦波頻率面分析 Analysis of EEG frequency domain in different skilled level of pistol athletes
- 社區老人身體活動與生活品質相關之研究 Relationship between physical activity and quality of life for the community older adults
- 光復初期台灣網球運動發展之研究(1945-1949) The development of tennis in Taiwan in the beginning of retrocession (1945-1949)
- 2005年大專運動會木球競賽之球道分析 The analysis of woodball fireway at 2005 Intercollegiate Athletic Competitions of R. O. C