長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
201806 (29:2期)期所有篇 |
- 腦部損傷併發低血壓病人對不同臥位時之腦部灌流及生理指標的影響 The Effects of Different Berthson Cerebral Perfusion and Physiological Parametersin Patients with Intracranial Disorder Complicated with Hypotension
- 「培育專業護理行為」──基本護理學實習學生之經驗歷程 Cultivating Professional Nursing Behaviors - Experiences of Nursing Students for Fundamental Nursing Practicum
- 護理人員對病人安全風氣知覺、工作壓力與安全行為關係之文獻回顧 Relationship among Perception of Patient Safety Climate, Work Pressure, and Safety Behavior of Nurses
- 提升加護病房護理人員對「食道球放置流程」照護完整性 Improving the integrity of Sengstaken-Blakemore tube (S-B tube) placement process and care for nurses in intensive care units
- 提升綜合內科病房化學藥物治療給藥安全作業之專案 A project for improving the accuracy of administering chemotherapy in the medical ward
- 提升護理人員對胃腸道緊急出血照護處置完整性 Improving Quality of Nursing Care for Patients with Emergent Gastrointestinal Bleeding
- 腰椎穿刺檢查後病人平躺舒適度之改善專案 Improving the Comfort level of Bed Rest after Lumbar Puncture
- 運用心臟復健計畫照護一位急性心肌梗塞病人之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of Providing a Cardiac Rehabilitation Program for an Acute Myocardial Infarction Patient
- 照護一位口腔癌復發併惡性蕈狀傷口病患面對死亡之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of Caring a Patient with Terminal Recurrent Oral Cancer complicated with Malignant Fungating Wound
- 一位憩室炎復發合併菌血症病人之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience on a Patient with Diverticulitis Relapse Complicated with Bacteremia
- 照護一位車禍多重骨折術後病人之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of Multiple Fractures with Traffic Accident in a Post Surgery Patient
- 運用治療性遊戲於一位齒源性蜂窩組織炎學齡前期兒童口腔衛生教育之成效 The Effectiveness of Applying Therapeutic Play to Oral Hygiene Education in A Preschool-age Child with Odontogenic Cellulitis
- 運用輔助液體敷料照護一位頭頸癌病人之護理經驗 Nursing Experiences of Applying Oral Liquid Dressing for Caring a Patient with Head and Neck Cancer
- 照護一位卵巢癌末期個案之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of Caring a Patient with End-Stage Ovarian Cancer