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Cultivating Professional Nursing Behaviors - Experiences of Nursing Students for Fundamental Nursing Practicum
作者 曾明晰 (Ming-Sea Tseng)劉棻林淑君 (Shu-Chun Lin)
背景:「護理」是以行動來提供健康照護的專業,護理教育必須重視專業護理行為的養成。基本護理學實習是護理專業的入門及基礎,透過實習經驗,得以瞭解培養專業護理行為的最佳途徑。目的:從基本護理學實習護生的觀點,探討護理專業行為培育的歷程。方法:採質性研究法,以北台灣某科技大學二年級完成四週基本護理學實習之護生為研究對象,共21位護生分3組進行焦點團體訪談以收集實習學習經驗相關資料,訪談內容徵求研究對象同意全程錄音,並轉譯成逐字稿後再以詮釋現象學的方法進行訪談內容分析與歸納。結果:由護基本護理學實習的學習經驗中,歸納出「培育專業護理行為」之三大主題,分別為(1)「臨床實習指導教師話語引導學生培育專業護理行為」:教師的言語,是引導學生專業言行的指南針;(2)「臨床護理人員啟發學生對護理專業的認同」:觀察楷模典範,領悟護理之真善美;以及(3)「臨床個案反應是學生自我調整之最佳參考」:從被照護個案的真實反應,體認誠實、關懷、公平、同理心及病人為中心之真諦。結論/實務應用:專業護理行為的養成是護理人才培育的基石,亦是護理教育的重要指標。透過護生的實習經驗讓我們更深入的瞭解,護生的專業護理行為可以在實習過程中藉由與臨床實習指導教師、護理師、或是臨床個案的互動啟發,因而建立或修正。臨床實習指導教師應善用語言的正向能量教勉護生,鼓勵護生觀察、分析及省思臨床護理人員哪些言行可視為典範楷模,並增加與病人之互動獲得實際的回饋,作為修正自己專業行為之依據。本研究結果可以作為臨床教師指導初階段實習護生及協助其養成專業護理行為的參考。 Background: 'Nursing' is a profession that uses actions to provide health cares. Nursing education must pay attention to the development of professional nursing behaviors. The Fundamental Nursing Practicum is the foundation of nursing specialty. Through the learning experiences of the fundamental nursing practicum, we can identify the best way to foster professional nursing behaviors. Purpose: Based on the aspects of fundamental nursing practicum students, we can explore the cultivating processes of professional nursing behaviors. Methods & Procedures: Researchers adopted a qualitative research approach and collected learning experience data using focus group interviews. Participants were students enrolled in a Science and Technology University in the northern Taiwan and had completed the fundamental nursing practicum. A total of 21 nursing students were divided into three focus groups to collect the relevant experiences of practice learning. Participants agreed to be audiotaped during the entire data collection process and audiotaped information were transcribed verbatim. Hermeneutic phenomenology was adopted as the method of research data analysis. Results: Three essential categories were identified from the nursing students’ perceptions of cultivating nursing behaviors after the fundamental nursing practicum. These included: (1) Clinical nursing teachers' verbal instruction to develop professional nursing behaviors: The teacher's languages were indicators of the performance of the student, (2) Clinical nurses inspired students to recognize the nursing profession: Observe the model, comprehend the truth, goodness, and beauty of nursing, and (3) The responses from clinical patients were the best reference for students to self-adjustment: From patient’s responses, students recognized the true meaning of honesty, care, fairness, empathy, and patient-centered. Conclusions / Implications for Practice: The development of professional nursing behavior is the basis for nurturing nursing professionals, is also an important indicator of nursing education. Through understanding the experience of students in clinical practice, we can more in-depth understand how professional nursing behavior can be established and modified during the internship as a result of interaction with clinical teachers, nurses, or clinical patients. Clinical teachers should use the positive power of language to teach nursing students and encourage nursing students to observe, analyze, and think of what can be regarded as a model. Clinical teachers should also encourage students to increase their interaction with the patients to obtain practical feedback as a basis for adjusting their professional conduct. The results of this study can be used as a reference to guide nursing students at the early stage of their career and help them develop professional attitude and behavior.
Background: 'Nursing' is a profession that uses actions to provide health cares. Nursing education must pay attention to the development of professional nursing behaviors. The Fundamental Nursing Practicum is the foundation of nursing specialty. Through the learning experiences of the fundamental nursing practicum, we can identify the best way to foster professional nursing behaviors. Purpose: Based on the aspects of fundamental nursing practicum students, we can explore the cultivating processes of professional nursing behaviors. Methods & Procedures: Researchers adopted a qualitative research approach and collected learning experience data using focus group interviews. Participants were students enrolled in a Science and Technology University in the northern Taiwan and had completed the fundamental nursing practicum. A total of 21 nursing students were divided into three focus groups to collect the relevant experiences of practice learning. Participants agreed to be audiotaped during the entire data collection process and audiotaped information were transcribed verbatim. Hermeneutic phenomenology was adopted as the method of research data analysis. Results: Three essential categories were identified from the nursing students’ perceptions of cultivating nursing behaviors after the fundamental nursing practicum. These included: (1) Clinical nursing teachers' verbal instruction to develop professional nursing behaviors: The teacher's languages were indicators of the performance of the student, (2) Clinical nurses inspired students to recognize the nursing profession: Observe the model, comprehend the truth, goodness, and beauty of nursing, and (3) The responses from clinical patients were the best reference for students to self-adjustment: From patient’s responses, students recognized the true meaning of honesty, care, fairness, empathy, and patient-centered. Conclusions / Implications for Practice: The development of professional nursing behavior is the basis for nurturing nursing professionals, is also an important indicator of nursing education. Through understanding the experience of students in clinical practice, we can more in-depth understand how professional nursing behavior can be established and modified during the internship as a result of interaction with clinical teachers, nurses, or clinical patients. Clinical teachers should use the positive power of language to teach nursing students and encourage nursing students to observe, analyze, and think of what can be regarded as a model. Clinical teachers should also encourage students to increase their interaction with the patients to obtain practical feedback as a basis for adjusting their professional conduct. The results of this study can be used as a reference to guide nursing students at the early stage of their career and help them develop professional attitude and behavior.
起訖頁 173-189
關鍵詞 護理系學生護理行為基本護理實習詮釋現象學nursing studentnursing behaviorfundamental nursing practicumhermeneutic phenomenology
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201806 (29:2期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 腦部損傷併發低血壓病人對不同臥位時之腦部灌流及生理指標的影響
該期刊-下一篇 護理人員對病人安全風氣知覺、工作壓力與安全行為關係之文獻回顧




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