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Relationship among Perception of Patient Safety Climate, Work Pressure, and Safety Behavior of Nurses
作者 馮文瑞張芸綨
我們總是期望醫療從業人員遵守醫院規定與重視安全行為,然而人員的安全行為可能會因繁忙的醫療環境與工作壓力而受影響。本文回顧醫院護理人員對病人安全風氣知覺、工作壓力與安全行為之間關係之相關文獻,並期許管理者應朝向調適員工工作壓力來做更多地努力,進而改善病人安全並提升醫療照護品質。 Medical practitioners are always expected to comply with hospital regulations and place emphasis on safety behaviors. However, their safety behaviors can be affected by a busy medical environment and work pressure. This article reviewed the relevant literature on the relationship among perception of patient safety climate, work pressure, and safety behavior of registered nurses in hospitals. It is hoped that management teams should devote more efforts into releasing nurses’ work pressure, from the perspective of improving patient safety and enhancing care quality.
Medical practitioners are always expected to comply with hospital regulations and place emphasis on safety behaviors. However, their safety behaviors can be affected by a busy medical environment and work pressure. This article reviewed the relevant literature on the relationship among perception of patient safety climate, work pressure, and safety behavior of registered nurses in hospitals. It is hoped that management teams should devote more efforts into releasing nurses’ work pressure, from the perspective of improving patient safety and enhancing care quality.
起訖頁 190-198
關鍵詞 病人安全病人安全風氣知覺工作壓力安全行為patient safetyPatient Safety ClimatePerceptionswork pressuresafety behavior
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201806 (29:2期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 「培育專業護理行為」──基本護理學實習學生之經驗歷程
該期刊-下一篇 提升加護病房護理人員對「食道球放置流程」照護完整性




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