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Improving the integrity of Sengstaken-Blakemore tube (S-B tube) placement process and care for nurses in intensive care units
作者 陳南燕陳雅惠 (Ya-Huei Chen)
本專案旨在提升加護病房護理人員對「食道球放置流程」照護完整性。現況發現「食道球放置流程」照護完整性僅38.3%。確立原因:認知正確率52.1%、備物易遺漏、管路操作及流程照護不熟悉、用物放置分散、缺乏在職教育、衛材變更未舉辦教育訓練、標準作業規範未修訂、新進人員輔導手冊無專科評核。改善方案:(1)製作指引手冊,(2)製作食道球專用盒,(3)制定流程照護檢視表,(4)制定新進人員專科評核,(5)舉辦在職教育,(6)舉辦食道球技術指導。專案改善後,護理人員對「食道球放置流程」照護完整性由38.3%提升至91%、認知正確率由52.1%提升至91%,有效提升「食道球放置流程」照護完整性及放置時效,完善專業照護品質。 The purposes of the project were to improve the integrity of Sengstaken-Blakemore tube (S-B tube) placement process and care for nurses in intensive care units. Before the improvement program, the rate of integrity of nursing care for S-B tube placement process was 38.3%. The causes were: insufficient knowledge about S-B tube placement process (only 52.1% correctness), incompleteness of material preparation, unfamiliarity with the S-B tube placement, dispersion of the appliance, lack of inservice education and training, lack of revision of standard operating practices, lack of evaluation for coaching new staff. We implemented the following interventions, including developing a guidelines manual, providing a complete S-B package, designing a checklist for S-B tube placement, developing an evaluation form for training new nurses; and developing an in-service education and training program. After the improvement program, the completion rate increased from 38.3% to 91%, the accuracy rate of nurses’ knowledge increased from 52.1% to 91%. The program has improved the integrity and timeliness of S-B tube placement and enhanced the quality of care.
The purposes of the project were to improve the integrity of Sengstaken-Blakemore tube (S-B tube) placement process and care for nurses in intensive care units. Before the improvement program, the rate of integrity of nursing care for S-B tube placement process was 38.3%. The causes were: insufficient knowledge about S-B tube placement process (only 52.1% correctness), incompleteness of material preparation, unfamiliarity with the S-B tube placement, dispersion of the appliance, lack of inservice education and training, lack of revision of standard operating practices, lack of evaluation for coaching new staff. We implemented the following interventions, including developing a guidelines manual, providing a complete S-B package, designing a checklist for S-B tube placement, developing an evaluation form for training new nurses; and developing an in-service education and training program. After the improvement program, the completion rate increased from 38.3% to 91%, the accuracy rate of nurses’ knowledge increased from 52.1% to 91%. The program has improved the integrity and timeliness of S-B tube placement and enhanced the quality of care.
起訖頁 199-211
關鍵詞 加護病房食道球完整性intensive care unitsSengstaken-Blakemore tube(S-B tube)integrity
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201806 (29:2期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 護理人員對病人安全風氣知覺、工作壓力與安全行為關係之文獻回顧
該期刊-下一篇 提升綜合內科病房化學藥物治療給藥安全作業之專案




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