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The Effectiveness of Applying Therapeutic Play to Oral Hygiene Education in A Preschool-age Child with Odontogenic Cellulitis
作者 蔡培琳何沛蓉蔡明陞蔡佳玲連心瑜 (Angela Shin-Yu Lien)
本文運用治療性遊戲協助一位齒源性蜂窩組織炎學齡前期兒童進行口腔衛生教育。由於個案平時潔牙不確實及睡前有喝奶後未刷牙的習慣,加上個案父母及主要照顧者的口腔清潔知識均不正確,因而導致齲齒引發顏面蜂窩組織炎。故本文結合指導性與生理健康促進性之治療性遊戲種類於護理過程中,設計自製口腔衛教模型,引導個案學習正確貝氏刷牙技巧及使用牙線潔牙,並以牙菌斑顯示劑檢測,藉此讓個案檢視牙菌斑是否徹底清潔。在回覆示教時,個案已可正確執行刷牙動作,並複述正確刷牙、漱口及牙線步驟,也讓家長知道口腔清潔對個案的重要性,也改變睡前喝奶的觀念與行為,因此達成口腔衛教之成效。藉由兒童友善照護理念促進個案及家屬正向的口腔健康,期望能預防未來齲齒導致齒源性蜂窩組織炎的發生。 This report described the use of therapeutic play to assist a preschooler with odontogenic cellulitis to learn oral hygiene education. This child inappropriately brush his teeth and with the habit of non-brushing teeth after bedtime milk usually. Furthermore, the child’s parents and other caregiver have insufficient oral hygiene knowledge, resulting in child’s tooth decay induced left facial odontogenic cellulitis. Therefore, we combined instructional play and physiologically enhancing play into nursing process. We designed self-made oral health education model to coach the child to learn the Bass technique of toothbrushing and rinsing and flossing and also used dental disclosing agent to detect dental plaque. In the return demonstration, the child was able to correctly perform and repeat the proper steps for brushing, rinsing, and flossing. To enhance the educational effectiveness of oral hygiene, we guided parents the importance of oral hygiene and changed the idea and bedtime milk behavior. By means of child-friendly health care philosophy to promote positive oral health, we were able to prevent future dental caries induced odontogenic cellulitis.
This report described the use of therapeutic play to assist a preschooler with odontogenic cellulitis to learn oral hygiene education. This child inappropriately brush his teeth and with the habit of non-brushing teeth after bedtime milk usually. Furthermore, the child’s parents and other caregiver have insufficient oral hygiene knowledge, resulting in child’s tooth decay induced left facial odontogenic cellulitis. Therefore, we combined instructional play and physiologically enhancing play into nursing process. We designed self-made oral health education model to coach the child to learn the Bass technique of toothbrushing and rinsing and flossing and also used dental disclosing agent to detect dental plaque. In the return demonstration, the child was able to correctly perform and repeat the proper steps for brushing, rinsing, and flossing. To enhance the educational effectiveness of oral hygiene, we guided parents the importance of oral hygiene and changed the idea and bedtime milk behavior. By means of child-friendly health care philosophy to promote positive oral health, we were able to prevent future dental caries induced odontogenic cellulitis.
起訖頁 294-304
關鍵詞 學齡前期兒童治療性遊戲齒源性蜂窩組織炎口腔衛生教育preschool-age childtherapeutic playodontogenic cellulitisoral hygiene education
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201806 (29:2期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 照護一位車禍多重骨折術後病人之護理經驗
該期刊-下一篇 運用輔助液體敷料照護一位頭頸癌病人之護理經驗




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