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The Nursing Experience of Caring a Patient with End-Stage Ovarian Cancer
作者 林靜林美惠
本文描述照護一位卵巢癌末期個案之護理經驗,筆者護理期間於2016年8月6日至2016年8月22日,運用Gordon十一項健康型態評估,確立個案有疼痛、噁心嘔吐及預期性哀傷之健康問題。護理過程中筆者運用安寧療護理念,提供個別性護理措施:包括舒適擺位、穴位按摩、精油薰香及深呼吸放鬆方法以減緩疼痛及緩解噁心嘔吐症狀。以主動陪伴傾聽、同理個案及家屬面對個案即將死亡的負向情緒,並透過醫療團隊協助完成個案最後心願及引導家屬向個案表達對個案的感謝,作為最後的道別,讓個案能獲得身心安適,家屬心理上也能獲得滿足,藉由此經驗分享,提供日後護理人員照護卵巢癌末期病人之參考。 This article described the nursing experience of caring a patient with end-stage ovarian cancer. The nursing period was from August 6 to August 22, 2016. We used Gordon’s 11 functional health patterns assessment tool to assess patient’s major health problems, which included pain, nausea, vomiting, and anticipatory grieving. The author used the concept of hospice care to provide a holistic care, including comfort bed positioning, massage, aromatherapy, and breathing meditation to relieve the symptoms of pain, nausea, and vomiting. The emotional expressions of the patient and family members ere embraced with active caring and open-mindedness. In addition, the hospice team introduced the patient and her family to express their expectations and gratitude to each other, and to accompany the patient to reach her last wish. This may help the patient and her family achieve live and die without regrets. This article provides clinical nursing staff with more information in caring for patients with end-stage ovarian cancer.
This article described the nursing experience of caring a patient with end-stage ovarian cancer. The nursing period was from August 6 to August 22, 2016. We used Gordon’s 11 functional health patterns assessment tool to assess patient’s major health problems, which included pain, nausea, vomiting, and anticipatory grieving. The author used the concept of hospice care to provide a holistic care, including comfort bed positioning, massage, aromatherapy, and breathing meditation to relieve the symptoms of pain, nausea, and vomiting. The emotional expressions of the patient and family members ere embraced with active caring and open-mindedness. In addition, the hospice team introduced the patient and her family to express their expectations and gratitude to each other, and to accompany the patient to reach her last wish. This may help the patient and her family achieve live and die without regrets. This article provides clinical nursing staff with more information in caring for patients with end-stage ovarian cancer.
起訖頁 314-323
關鍵詞 卵巢癌末期疼痛預期性哀傷end-stage ovarian cancerpainanticipatory grieving
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201806 (29:2期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 運用輔助液體敷料照護一位頭頸癌病人之護理經驗




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