長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
201606 (27:2期)期所有篇 |
- 使用呼吸器患者前負荷指標、心搏量變異率與心輸出指數的相關性 Relationships of Preload Indicators, Stroke Volume Variation, and Cardiac Index in Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation
- 影響學齡前兒童父母高熱量飲食餵養行為因素之探討-計畫行為理論之應用 Related Factors of High-Calorie Diet Feeding Behaviors of Pre-school hildren in Parents: Application of Theory of Planned Behavior
- 腹脹病人症狀評估與整合性照護 Symptom Assessment and Collaboration Care for Patients with Abdominal Distension
- 提升住院手術病人手術前訪視成效 Promotion of the Effectiveness of Pre-operative Interview for Admitted Patients
- 改善骨科手術前病人焦慮程度之專案 Reduce the Level of Orthopedic Surgery Patients’Pre-operative Anxiety
- 降低手術檢體退件率之專案 A Project for Reducing Specimen Rejection Rate in the Operating Room
- 提升護理人員點班之時效性 Measures to Improve Effective Management of Medical Supplies
- 接受人工受孕婦女住院安胎至生產之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of Hospitalized Tocolysis Till Labor for an Artificially Fertilized Pregnant Woman
- 運用關懷照顧概念協助一位腦瘤病童及主要照顧者之護理經驗 An Experience of Using the Concept of Caring a Patient with Brain Tumor and Her Primary Caregiver
- 到院前心跳停止復甦後病人使用低溫治療之加護經驗 Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patient Using Therapeutic Hypothermia: An ICU Nursing Experience
- 應用中心方式評估法於失智症長者之照護經驗 A Nursing Experience of Applying the Center Assessed Method for the Elderly with Dementia
- 一位乳癌切除後執行乳房重建之手術全期護理經驗 An Experience in the Perioperative Nursing Care for a Patient Admitted for Breast Reconstruction Post Mastectomy
- 一位青少年期腦中風病人的護理經驗 Nursing Care Experience for an Adolescent with Stroke
- 運用舒適護理於大腸癌合併庫肯勃氏腫瘤臨終患者之護理經驗 Comfort Nursing In a Terminal Colon Cancer Women with Krukenberg’s Syndrom