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An Experience of Using the Concept of Caring a Patient with Brain Tumor and Her Primary Caregiver
作者 張榕淇林凱慧蘇綉雅 (Hsiu-Ya Su)
Hospitalization is a tremendous pressure to children and their family. Family-centered care is emphasized by pediatric department, and it’s thought that caring is the essence and the core of nursing. The report described the experience of using the concept of caring in a patient with brain tumor and her primary caregiver. Data was collected by observation, interview, and entire assessment from April, 20 to May, 20 in 2011. The patient’s health problems were identified as risk for infection, activity intolerance, and deficit of diversional activity. The primary caregiver expressed to have role strain during our interviews. We used the concept of caring as a nursing process to engage the patients interest to participate actively in scheduled daily activities by seal design, time clock activities, and jigsaw games. We also identified the source of anxiety of the primary caregiver by interview, accompanying, and listening. We provided individualized intervention to help the patient and the primary caregiver to cope with the initial diagnosis of brain tumors and follow-up treatment with a positive attitude. This experience can serve as a reference in clinical care settings.
起訖頁 240-248
關鍵詞 腦瘤病童主要照顧者關懷照顧概念patient with a brain tumorprimary caregiverconcept of caring
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201606 (27:2期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
DOI 10.3966/102673012016062702009   複製DOI
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