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Measures to Improve Effective Management of Medical Supplies
作者 王淑芬 (Shu-Fen Wang)楊禮謙 (Li-Chien Yang)劉憶萍
Medical supplies routine count is the existing pre-process of nursing activities. Fifteen nurses were needed to do the nurse-to-nurse handover daily, each spending at least 16.7 minutes on average. That is mainly because of unclear protocols, multiple storage areas for medical supplies and counting becoming very complicated. Also, staff is required to assist performing routine count on multidisciplinary team’s medical equipment or it is not documented properly when medical supplies are taken away and has not been returned. The project applied PDCA quality control method to investigate why counting medical supplies is so time consuming and then establish appropriate implementations as follows: setting up revised medical supplies routine count protocols, modifying the content and quantity that needs to be included, planning for placing the medical supplies, preparing a sign-in, sign-out board to record when the medical equipment is to be used and making a reminding poster as well as rearranging the management of medical supplies. After the project intervened, it has achieved as follows. 1. Time required for the medical supplies routine count decreased to 5 minutes from 16.7 minutes. 2. Items that were to be counted reduced 67.5%. 3. Satisfaction rate on the routine count reached 85%. It has improved the effectiveness of performing medical supplies routine count and has shortened the non-nursing activity time consumption so that clinical patient care can be reinforced with more time spent on professional nursing field.
起訖頁 220-229
關鍵詞 醫衛材點班時效性medical suppliesmeasuresefficiency
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201606 (27:2期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
DOI 10.3966/102673012016062702007   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 降低手術檢體退件率之專案
該期刊-下一篇 接受人工受孕婦女住院安胎至生產之護理經驗




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