佛洛伊德、巴禮巴與「文明性」的悖論:政治拓撲學的難題 Freud, Balibar and the Paradox of Civility: The Aporia of the Political Topology
從「暴力之過度」到「暴力之殘餘」:再論巴禮巴的暴力批判 From“the excess of violence”to“the residue of violence”: Reassessing Balibar’s critique of violence
回應蕭育和:再論文明性政治的悖論與死亡欲力的重新理解 Response to Hsiao Yu-He: Revisiting the Paradox of the Politics of Civility and a Reinterpretation of the Death Drive
「你是外國人嗎?」:台灣聽障者的口音與身份誤認經驗 “Are you a foreigner?”: Taiwanese Deaf People's Accent and Experience of Identity Misrecognition
從臺灣IG 詩作的文學生產看數位詩的範式轉移 A Study of Paradigm Shift of Electronic Poetry by the Examination on the Literary Production of Instapoetry in Taiwan
分析蔡明亮《不散》從第25 個鏡頭到第39 個鏡頭:照亮暗黑影像的邊緣與考掘影片差異的晦義蒙太奇 Analyzing Shot 25 to Shot 39 in Tsai Ming-Liang’s Goodbye, Dragon Inn: Illuminating the Dark Margin of Images and Excavating Obtuse Montage of Filmic Differences
《三體》末日與《明朝》「墨日」的宇宙技術觀 Apocalypse or Inkalypse: Forms of Cosmotechnics in the Remembrance of Earth’s Past Trilogy and The Ming Dynasty