中國飲食文化 Journal of Chinese Dietary Culture |
202110 (17:2期)期所有篇 |
- 導論:早餐飲食行為的社會文化分析 French Breakfast Time and Patterns: From Déjeuner (first meal) to Petit(-)Déjeuner (little first meal)
- 法式早餐時間及形態的轉變:從第一餐到小早餐 French Breakfast Time and Patterns: From Déjeuner (first meal) to Petit(-)Déjeuner (little first meal)
- 在適應和維持熟悉的習慣之間:19世紀加勒比海的早餐 Between Adaptation and the Maintenance of Familiar Habits: Breakfast in the Nineteenth-century Caribbean
- 臺灣早餐日常實踐:西式早餐店的角色和戰術 The Everyday Practice of Taiwanese Breakfast: The Role and Tactics of Western-style Breakfast Shops
- 臺灣早餐外食現象與社會變遷分析(1980-2019):以大臺北地區早餐店為例 The Phenomenon of Eating out for Breakfast in Taiwan and Relevant Social Changes (1980-2019): A Case Study of Breakfast Shops in the Greater Taipei Area
- 飲食即政治:以乾隆三十年《江南節次膳底檔》為討論核心 Food and Drink as Politics: Discussion of“The Royal Menus of the Jiangnan Trip”in the 30th Year of Qianlong
- 中國料理和近現代日本:食與嗜好的文化交流史