201601 (2016:1期)期所有篇 |
- 也談《刑法修正案(九)》關於貪汙賄賂犯罪的修改 The Críme of Bribery Amended in “Criminal Law Amendment (IX)” Revisited
- 論《刑法》第38條之修正 On the Amendment to Article 383 of the Criminal Law
- 《刑法修正案(九)》的犯罪控制策略視野評判 Criminal Law Amendment (IX)' Crime Control Policy Vision Evaluation
- 論《跨太平洋夥伴關係協議》(TPP)與我國多邊和區域一體化戰略 The 'Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement' (TPP) and China's Multilateral and Regional Integration Strategies
- 國際經濟法治格局的研判與應對--兼論TPP的中國立場 The Judgement and Countermeasures on the Constellation of International Economic Law:Also on China's Position on TPP
- 互聯網監管政策多邊貿易規則法律問題探析 Legal Issues of Intemet Regulatory Policy and Multilateral Trade Rules
- 重大行政決策行為的性質與認定 Nature and Identification of Major Administrative Decision-Making Activities
- 美國司法機構職能外包的質疑和回應--聚焦“政法夠有職能” Questioning and Responding on Outsourcing US Judiciary Functions:Focusing on 'Inherent Govemment Functions'
- 過失共同正犯否定論 A Negative Discussion on Negligence Joint Príncipal Offenders
- 論“航空運輸總條件”的合同地位與規則 The Contractual Status of 'General Conditions of Air Transport' and Its Regulation
- 論比例性原則在私法關係中的運--以英國和歐洲人權法院案例為視角 The Application of the Prínciple of Proportionality in Prívate Law Relations:Cases from UK and ECtHR
- 工業用地出讓價格管制研究 Regulation of lndustríal Land Transferríng Príce
- 立案形式審查中的事實主張具體化 Specifying Factual Claims in the Formal Review of Registration a Case
- 家事糾紛法院調解實證研究 Empirícal Study on Court Mediation of Family Disputes
- 論庭前會議功能失範之成因--從庭前會議決定的效力切入 Cause of the Pre-Tríal Conference Functional Anomie: The Aspect of the Effectiveness of Pre-Trial Conference Function