201511 (2015:6期)期所有篇 |
- 仲裁監督之邏輯生成與邏輯體系——仲裁與訴訟關係之優化為基點的漸進展開 Logical Construction and Logical System of Arbitration Supervision: The Gradual Development of the Relationship between Arbitration and Litigation
- 訴訟視角下的仲裁管轄權限的擴張及問題 The Extension of the Jurisdiction of Arbitration and Problems in the Perspextive of Litigation
- 基本權利釋義學的困境與出路 Dilemma and Way Out on the Interpretation of Basic Rights
- 論協作共治視角下食品安全政府治理機制的完善 On The Improvement of Government Governance Mechanism on Food Safety in tne Perspective of Collaborative Governance
- 刑法視野下臨終患者的自主決定權及限制 Hospice Patient's Autonomous Decision and Limitation in the Perspective of Criminal Law
- 職務侵佔罪中職務範圍的合目的性解讀 On The Purpose of the Scope of 'Duty' in the Crime of Duty Encroachment
- 知假買假受消費者權益保護法保護嗎?——兼論消費者權益保護法的適用範圍 Is the Activity 'Know Fake Buy Fake' Protect By the Consumer Proyection Law? The Application Scope of Consumer Protection Law
- 再論相鄰關係 Adjacent Relationship Revisited
- 應收賬款質權登記的法理——以《應收賬款質押登記辦法》的修改為中心 The Legal Basis of Pledge Registration on Accounts Receivable: A Study on tne Amendments of Measures for Pledge Registration on Accounts Receivable
- 破產程式中的股轉債——合同法、公司法及破產法的一攬子競爭 Transforming Bonds to Stocks in Bankruptcy Proceedinfs: A Package Competition of Contract Lwa, Company Law and Bankruptcy Law
- 我國破產原因制度的反思與完善 The Bankruptcy Cause System of China: Reflections and Perfection
- 論網絡消費安全的多元規制 Multiple Regulation on Consumer Security for Internet Business
- 民間借貸合同逾期利息請求及其判決 The Claim and Decision on Overdue Interest of Private Loan Contract
- 司法公正權威與檢察監督的關係 The Relationship between Judicial Authority and Procuratorial Supervision
- 國際投資法上公平與公正待遇條款改革的列舉式清單進路 The Listing Approach in the Reform of Fair and Equitable Treatment Clause in International Investment Law